Have you noticed that Spring has finally arrived? The bulbs and grass and leaves and birds have arrived. The mild weather is back. And so are the tourists.
I had my first inquiry yesterday as I walked on Main Street, "Excuse me, could you tell me where the Kennedy Compound is?".
Summer must be right around the corner.
When we have one, Spring can be glorious. Not that we get to enjoy it on Cape Cod all that often. Most years seem to bring us right from Winter to Summer.
But every so often, God gives us a gift. A glorious Spring. It reminds us that life is full of potential. That we have the rest of the year to enjoy this wonderful place called Cape Cod.
Blogs are, all too often, filled with hate and demagoguery and nastiness. The jottings are written by people who get so wrapped up in the fight, that they forget what their fighting for. It seems that they are not positive, happy, fulfilled people. Some even seem bitter. What a shame.
But for the rest of us, let's enjoy our Spring. Go out and smell the flowers. Spend some time with the kids. Take a walk. Plant some flowers.
Enjoy life!
Enjoy your weekend, BB. We are going to the lower cape for the day.
Do you think Muppy has the capacity to enjoy anything? We all know the world is against him. With all the conspiracy theories and coruption and lawsuits, he must not get out into the yard in Brighton very often.
BB, I called my Councilor and was told that he would support the reforms. One down, 12 to go. Keep up the good work!
BB, I wonder if people like Sylvia ,Gary and Bugsy have called their Councillors to gain their support of the BarnstableBlogger plan? They probably wouldn't want a solution, then they couldn't complain about it.
Now, Now anon. Have some faith. This should be one that we all can work on together. The plan and the solution are simple. The BarnstableBlogger hopes all will contact their Councilor.
BB, have you noticed that JJ the realtor hasn't visited this blog. Guess the bully can't stand a fair fight!
The BBlogger invites all who have something to contribute.
Went to Hyannis today. It does look like the tourists are already here. It looked great!
Hey BB, Anybody know when Harry's is going to open up in their new building?
Not sure but a nice looking building!
BB, You see to be able to fix anything. Can you get me Sox tickets?
Anon,BarnstableBlogger is a problem solver. But Red Sox tickets are pushing my capacity. I only fix problems on this side of the bridge.
BBlogger, you should check out Sandy Neck. We went there and had a wonderful walk. Barnstable does have many jewels.
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