Saturday, May 5, 2007

New Dogs in Town

The old landscape is changing. After several years of trash and hate blogging by a non-resident and a senile and out-of-touch hermit, we are seeing a transformation. Try out for some really good and up to date news in the Hyannis area. Town Council president Janet Joakim has begun a new blog at that has some really good local political commentary. And yours truly is enjoying an increase in readership every day. So we join the fine work of folks like Cape Cod Today in discussing relevent issues that impact us all.

So why not give the new kids on the block a look-see. The old boys have had their say. Now it is time for the rest of us to play.


Anonymous said...

Interesting site!

Anonymous said...

It seems like you are trying to foster serious discussions on important local issues. This is much needed.

Anonymous said...


I seems you have had more productive dialogue in a couple of weeks than the Anti-Barnstable sites have had in their entire run.

Muffy the Lapdog and the Garbageman present nothing but one-dimensional bitch-a-thons about local affairs. I'm waiting for the Garbageman to produce his next expose on how town control of the Mills airport caused the plane crash over the weekend...maybe a Councilor forgot to change the sparkplugs?

Keep up the good work...let's continue to focus making Barnstable a good place to live.

Anonymous said...


If you take away the animosity and foolish bickering, you get to the bottom line much faster. Did the other bloggers even think that THEY are the problem?

Anonymous said...

I'm confused here's a whole string of comments without any hateful name calling, slandering, or juvenile behavior. (Well okay Coddah couldn't help themselves, you can't expect miracles.) But on the whole what a refreshing change. The tide is changing in our blogo- sphere it doesn't smell like Boston harbor anymore.

Anonymous said...


I wish Yarmouth Taxpayer would come back to engage in a civil debate about the airport. I would like to hear his/her slant.

Anonymous said...


You should see how Muffy is scrambling to claim residency. Is that so he won't have to pay the new non-resident tax? He's a Barnstable resident. Ya, right!

And I am the son of Bill Gates.

Anonymous said...

Hey BB-

If Bugsy wants to say he is a Barnstable resident, he has every right to say it. Just because he probably spends 99% in Boston, doesn't mean that he lives there. Who are you to question his residency? Isn't residency just a state of mind?

I just can't figure out why he would lie about being a resident in a town he hates so much? Go figure.

Anonymous said...

Muffy lives in Boston and he calls Barnstable corrupt? What's he smokin'?

Anonymous said...

Does that mean I can get a resident parking space in Southie if I say I am a Boston resident? I mean,I am a Boston resident.

Anonymous said...

Residency aside, are all our "pundits" registered Barnstable voters? State records would reveal the answer. Perhaps BB should begin pontificating about conditions in Brighton.

Anonymous said...

Glad you people like the idea of a Charter Commission. A group of us worked really hard to harvest the over 4000 signatures. Did you all sign the petitions? If so, I don't recall anonymous ever written in. I should further warn you that Town Clerk Linda Hutchenrider distains anonymous signatories and throws them in the wastebasket. Sad I did want your voices to count.

Anonymous said...

Eric lives in Brighton and he is taking shots at Barnstable?

Anonymous said...

Peter, I suspect that most if not all, of our visitors to this blog did sign the petitions by the high quality of their thoughtful opinions. I'd even bet they're residents, unlike other blogsters.

Anonymous said...

Hyannis NEWS is full of raw objective up-to-date content... i've checked it out, good info

try hyannisnews-dot-com

Anonymous said...

News Mutt has a few things to say about local affairs as well