Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Problem With The Hate Blogs

Two of the local Blogs really have a problem. They're rank amateurs who don't care about accuracy. Three quick examples demonstrate why they have no credibility in this community.


The ancient blogger at CapeKog writes about the structure erected on a parcel owned by Councilor Jim Crocker across the street from Craigville Beach. The blog reports of a scandal, a zoning violation, a threatening strategy being employed by the dastardly Town Councilor to force the Town to let him develop the property.

Oh really?

He is sponsoring a fundraiser for the mentally challenged and is not charging the non profit a dime, you knucklehead!


Muffy from Boston reports that the Barnstable Municipal Airport is allowing a building to be built and that the Airport is claiming a use exemption because they are a Town entity. The Muffster claims that the Water supply in Hyannis will therefore be polluted.

Oh really?

Isn't this the business that the Cape Cod Commission and the Airport just placed MUCH more stringent requirements on the business than the underlying groundwater protection district? Can we say, "do your homework"?


Back to the ancient blogger from Centerville. Said blogger reports that the dastardly Dr. Mosby from the Airport has been found guilty of domestic violence.

Oh really?

The truth is that Dr. Mosby WAS NOT found guilty at all. The Blogger keeps repeating the factual error clearly impugning the person's reputation and integrity. Sounds like a law suit waiting to happen. The Blogger knows it is not true and is intentionally harming a person's reputation KNOWING it is not true.

You want the truth. Obviously Muffy and the Old Man can't handle the truth! They rarely employ it.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I think that it is time for the Old Man to retire and Muffy to go back to the big city. Everything that they write is geared towards making our town look bad.

Neither of these individuals ever shows up to move any issue forward or helps to solve any problems. Everyone except them -from town officials to hard working business people is deemed corrupt and dishonest if they do not toe the Krazy Kog-Muffy line.

No place is perfect, but Barnstable deserves better than to have these two representing us in cyberspace.

A question??? What ever happened to that blockbuster tell-all book the Muffy was supposedly writing about Barnstable??

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

BB, It is obvious these guys are losers. One sits home all day and attacks people on his computer. Boy, he is a tough guy.

The other sits in Brighton and pretends he lives on the Cape. His Blog shows that he knows little about Cape Cod. Actually, he sounds like the type that his mother had to pay the other kids to play with when he was growing up.


Anonymous said...

What type of guy hides at home and takes cheap shots? BB, have you ever seen this guy at a meeting?

Anonymous said...


Those sites are focused only on presenting the bad, even if they have to make it up. They have never found a decent Councilor, Town Hall employee, firefighter, police officer, teacher, etc. Every program is corrupt or a waste of money. Why spend any more time worrying about them?

This is the site that says "We live in a pretty good town, but we can make it better." Let's keep on track, and focus the discussions on how we can improve Barnstable.