Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Sky is Falling, The Sky is Falling.

The sky is falling. The sky is falling. That is the mantra of the local hate blogs. Their standard line is the town does everything wrong and they have all the answers. They, of course, are the BostonBlogster and CapeKog.

So the latest salvo deals with the airport, yet again. The Hate Blogs are force fed a story line from the competitor of a business entity who wants a lease at the airport to conduct the same type of operation that the dime dropping complainer has. Isn't competition great? Stop the competition under the guise of environmental protection.

But you see, as long as the story line is "bash the town" the hate blogs will go along with anyone. Even a competitor who is trying to stop another business from opening up shop to do the same thing the dime dropper is doing.

So this time it's about environmental protection. Kinda strange that the "johnny come lately" environmentalists weren't tooting their horns before. Did any of you see any of these wizards at an airport commission meeting in the past trying to stop other operations, like say, the dime-dropper himself?

The truth is that the town bought the Hyannis Water Company from a Connecticut outfit. A Water Committee of Hyannis residents and businesses were formed to work to put a plan to improve the water system. According to the Town Council, The Board is working to put into place performance standards to protect the water. President Janet Joakim said that the Water Committee is working with the Town's Water Quality Advisory Committee and other experts to put standards into place for ALL business activities in the area, not just the latest business to come along.

So the issue isn't about zoning or leases. It is about putting into place a set of regulations or standards that require that water sources are protected.

The Water Committee should be applauded for their leadership in finally putting into place what should have been there years ago.

I am glad our citizens group is working hard to get the protections we need. I am also glad we own our water source.

Of course, you won't see that on the hate blogs. They would rather partner with a business who wants to stop competition. Have you seen any of the hate blogs demand actions against the company who is trying to stop another company from trying to do the same thing he is dong?

Of course not. This isn't really about protecting water. It's about bashing the Town.


What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Let the Committee do it's job. I know several of the members and am entirely comfortable with their judgement.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that the group with Allen Goddard, Debra Krau, Peter Cross and others? What's wrong with that?

Anonymous said...

What's wrong, anon, is that the local blogs don't want Barnstable to succeed.