What a shame. The BarnstableBlogger has written several posts recently about the Barnstable Airport and the conflict between Barnstable and Yarmouth. BB has supported at least one Yarmouth member ( if not more) on the Airport Commission and I have asked for greater responsiveness by the B.A.C. to Yarmouth's concerns. I have also asked for clarity so that I can better understand the Yarmouth position.
We had a visit recently from someone named the "Yarmouth Taxpayer". I thanked YT for visiting and appreciated his/her comments. I had hope to hear from YT again.
This afternoon a visitor sent me a copy of a blog from the Yarmouth Taxpayer. If this is not one in the same, I apologize to both.
But the YT blog criticized the Yarmouth Board of Selectmen for their desire for a diplomatic solution. What a shame. (YT must be a guy!)
The Yarmouth Taxpayer stated, "Spearing heading the fight on the noise issues was Selectwoman McAuliffe. Now the big change, talk out the problems at the airport? I ask, why the change? Talk is all the Airport Commission does with NO Action. The Residents/ Taxpayers in West Yarmouth have been suffering for years and Selectwoman McAuliffe along with Selectmen Jerry Sullivan, who is in with the airport, are now saying we must try to sit down and talk? This is a major step backwards."
So it appears that our friend YT is spearheading a litigation strategy. What a waste of time and Yarmouth Taxpayer money. It leads one to wonder whether, like the hate blogs, YT is more interested in the fight than the solution.
We welcome YT to our forum to discuss this issue. You may find that there is more agreement than disagreement. But, then again, solving the problem might not be as much fun.
Which strategy makes sense to you? YT's court fight, which will take years and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars? Or the Board of Selectmen's strategy of open communication?
For what it is worth, I'll put my money on the Selectmen!
The board of selectmen tried open communication and got kicked in the proverbial arse by the council. I'm for suing.
One effort has failed so you litigate? Muffy, that's dumb. But then again, it's not your tax dollar paying for it, it's Yarmouth's. And you clearly are more interested in fighting than in solving problems. And you don't even live in Barnstable, to boot.
Yarmouth Taxpayer ran for Selectman and,like Lopez, got his ____ handed to him!
Yarmouth Resident
Don't worry about the other blogs. Let's stay positive and talk about the issues.
Thanks to everyone who visited today. We had a record day!
I hope that sanity wins out and Yarmouth makes an honest attempt to work with Barnstable on resolving their problems.
This is an ideal time for the Selectmen to make their pitch to have a voting voice on the Airport Commission...the Barnstable leadership may be more open to a discussion at this point, as they already have a few problems to deal with at the airport, and have a strong interest in limiting additional litigation.
Besides, even if the Town Council and Selectmen can't play in the sandbox together, the Yarmouth folks may find a new ally in a new Charter Commission that will be open to making changes. The Comission will be hearing from Barnstable residents who are seeking changes in how the airport does business, and will probably consider Yarmouth's position. However, a lawsuit may limit the Commission's willingness to work with the plainiffs.
Again, let's not get all concerned about what the other blogs, including Yarmouth Taxpayer, are saying...let them rant and we'll continue to discuss the issues.
Why is it when people raise legitimate issues and point out that the leaders could care less about the taxpayers, you characterize them as ranters? I would appreciate a rational explanation? Is it fear? Do you know how this country was founded? Have you read any history? It boggles an inquiring mind.
The time for so-called open communication is past. Yarmouth has made several good faith efforts to gain consideration and representation on airport issues, and always in a respectful manner. Their response from the Airport Commission and the Council has ranged from indifference to outright discourtesy. When the head of the Yarmouth Selectmen rose to speak in Hyannis, then-President Brown walked out of the room. Claims of urinary urgency ring hollow. It is clear that this defensive and dismissive attitude is long-standing and systemic; hoping that "this time could be the charm" is a delusion. The SSA had a similar sense of entitlement against Hyannis and the mainland ports. The only thing which helped that logjam was dynamite from New Bedford.
Stop talking about what happened years ago. Do you want to solve the problem or not? The very people who are saying that time has long since past, probably were advocating litigation back then, too. They want the Airport closed down. They don't want Yarmouth and Barnstable to work together.
OK Al, what is your solution? It's easy to talk solution but you haven't offered anything people can take to the bank. We're all ears.
I was a little suprized to see your blog. The Yarmouth Taxpayer has been involved (Both on Town Boards and privately) in trying to help solve some of the problems by trying to work with the Airport and the Airport Commission for the past six years. Every suggestion, as I stated in my Blog was rejected by the Airport Commission, including a Joint Noise Committee, as suggested by the 1987 Part 150 study done by the FAA. The Yarmouth Board of Selectmen are just going to hear talk and no action. The property owners in the Town of Yarmouth and Barnstable have a restriction on their properties by the Town of Barnstable and the Airport. There are serious questions that have to be answered and the only way to get them is now to go to Court and let a Judge make the decision. The Federal Court has ruled in 1962 that Flight Paths are a land taking and the property owners are due just compensation. There is a Mass. Law , Chapter 90 where it clearly states when the approaches are amended what has to be done, The approaches were amended in 1999, but all we hear coming from The Barnstable Airport Commission is nothing. They ignore the residents here in Yarmouth and Barnstable and the residents are fed up. I agreed once that meeting and trying to talk and meet some sort of remedy was the way, but this has passed along time ago. The Yarmouth Board of Selectmen has been meeting with a prominent aviation attorney and he has now recommended a noise attorney, the Board is using taxpayers money for this advise and it should follow it to the letter.
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