Tuesday, June 19, 2007

New Leadership- Same old Tactics

The Hate Blogs are at it again. Different person, same strategy. The hate blogs strategy is to criticize the Town of Barnstable at all costs. For two years, all we read about was how dastardly then Council President Henry Farnham was. Hank Farnham this and Hank Farnham that. They attacked everything he did and everything he said. The attacked his honesty, his integrity and his motivations. Then, as if the seas parted, nary a word about Henry Farnham, since he no longer is Council President.

Now it is Janet Joakim. Janet Joakim this and Janet Joakim that. The Hate Blogs are attacking her honesty, her intergrity and her motivations. New leadership. Same old tactics.

What the Hate Blogs fail to understand is that they have no corner on the honesty and integrity market. KapeKog, John Julius and the Boston Blogster are laughing stocks in our community. The only difference among the three is that Lopez and Muffy are smart enough to stay behind the scenes and throw the grenades. Julius isn't that bright. They say jump, and Johny Boy says how high. They say go to the Council meeting every Thursday night and make a fool of yourself, and Johnny J. says, sir yes sir.

What a joke they make of themselves. What a joke they make of the process!


Anonymous said...

Well said BB!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, they are trying to bring a claim of defamation of character against Janet over a comment made on the cog blog last week. They have even gone so far as to accuse her of editing one of cogs blogs and then circulating it via email

Anonymous said...

Typical. If they had a clue, they would be dangerous, BB.

Anonymous said...

A blog is only as useful as the thoughts it stimulates. I agree with the last commenter...who really gives a damn what KingKOG and Muffy think, as we know nothing positive will ever come from them. They have no credibility except with a few folks who are willing to drink their KoolAid.

We should be spending our time focusing on discussion of the issues of concern to our residents, possible candidates for the new Charter Commission, and so on.

Let's build on the momentum that has been growing in town!

I will ask if people have heard about possible CC candidates? Everyone should be encouraging worthy candidates to pull nomination papers, and helping to get signatures. Let's build a support network for quality candidates....if the crazies manage to steal the elections with dirty tricks, any reform efforts will be deader than Julius Caesar.

Anonymous said...

Simply put and well said- time to treat them as the children they are!
When children behave badly and the teachers, psychologists, parents and grandparents have all tried their own approach and failed, and the tv nanny is booked into the year 2020, then it is time to give the old-fashioned methods a try.

Just ignore them, they are looking for attention. Let them entertain each other.

I can only hope that all that hate doesn't result in some sort of violence we will all read about in the newspaper.

Anonymous said...

I've said lots of things about Henry Farnham since his departure
as council president. My remarks have appeared in local newspapers and on public comment in council sessions. Mr. Farnham has blatantly committed libel per se against me and other private citizens. For example, he referred to me in a council session as being a terrorist. I suggest, oh anonymous one, that you broaden your reading toward larger realities.

Anonymous said...

BB,It is ironic that these folks would accuse Henry Farnham of libel when they have ruthlessly, unfairly and erroneoulsy said the meanest things possible of many local officials, all under the guise that they can say whatever they want because local officials are public officials. What a cowardly thing to do.
