Thursday, June 7, 2007

Slow but Steady Start

The Barnstable Patriot reports today that the elections are on in Barnstable. Several candidates for Charter Commission, Town Council, School Committee, Housing Authority and Town Collector have jumped into the ring. We need, and hope, more candidates will follow over the next few weeks.

We are blessed with residents with vast experience and expertise, but we need them to step forward. How can we convince good candidates to commit themselves to running for office, especially in this time of negativity?

Any suggestions?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A possible exercise would be to sit down with the latest Book of Names and scan Precincts 1,3,5,7,9,11,and 13 for any names you recognize. This tedious task can be done in easy stages. Any one reader might only find a few names in any given precinct. Now ask your friends or political allies to repeat this process. Maybe you can arrive at a short list of possibilities, with one of your selectors comfortable enough to approach one of your names. The chances are very high the person won't be interested, but the alternative is sit and wait for a candidate to come forward. As for negativity, consider the source. Having COG or CCL attack you could just as easily give you a nice bump in the polls. In Plymouth a charter group backed a slate of candidates. The voters proceeded to reject all but one of them. The wrong endorsement can kill you. If the mere existence of blog criticism bothers you just don't read those sites. Your core supporters won't be swayed by them either.