You have to hand it to him. Gary Lopez is entertaining. Dumb, but entertaining. He'll criticize and attack anything at any time. His latest post is a case in point.
He apparently writes a post to encourage citizens to get involved by volunteering on Town Boards and Committees. Of course, he has done everything in his power (which isn't much) to create such a negative atmosphere in Town that no one would want to volunteer. Who wants to be personally and viciously attacked on a daily basis on blogs which can be read by family members, friends, etc.
Then he attacks an incredible human being who has served with distinction on the school committee for many years by declaring her as unfit because she is in her eighties. Wait a minute-- Isn't Gary almost there himself? I guess we should not consider his candidacy for Charter Commission.
Then he goes on and on about our local economy. His solution? Gambling. That's right. Casino Gambling in Barnstable. That is a great economic development plan. Hey Gary, what about legalizing prostitution..or drugs.
How can you write a post talking about our kids future and, in it, advocate casino gambling in Barnstable? You ask why Lopez has no credibility?
Now, the only forum he has left are the blogs. You see, he has lost all credibility with the local press because... well, let's just say some of us are truth challenged. He also rarely if ever appears personally at a meeting because, well, let's just say that some of us have trouble completing a sentence. So he usually gets his minion, John Julius, to do the dirty work for him. Every week he calls Johnny with the play book and gives him the speech to be given at the Council meeting. Good work John!
So Gary doesn't have many options left. He resorts to sitting at home and attacking away. Personal, mean-spirited attacks on anyone and everyone who volunteers their time to make our community better.
And Gary thinks we have a problem getting more people involved. Gee, I wonder why?
What do you think?
Keep telling it like it is, BB!
KingKOG the Garbageman sinks to a new low by attacking Mrs Dandridge...wait, let me strike that, as many of his other attacks were so underhanded and slimy he couldn't get any lower.
This poor woman volunteers for many groups in town, and he bashes her that she is too old....yet this is a woman who apparently fulfills a volunteer schedule that most adults of any age would find impossible to keep up with.
Of course an old, bitter man like KingKOG (who can't get his bountiful postier out the door and volunteer for anything) is fit to hold office.
I hope that those folks who really want to see positive reforms in Barnstable will march into Town Hall and pull nomination papers for the Charter Commission. We can't let this process by hijacked by the likes of KingKOG and Muffy-the-Stray-Dog.
P.S.....I wonder in what town Muffy has his dog license from?
She has done more positive things for our community than lopez will ever do. He just complains about things, he never actually does anything.
I can't figure out where Lopez' anger comes from? He must be miserable!
Must have lived a rejected childhood!
BB, It is unfortunate that this small group of nuts attack decent citizens who volunteer their time to this town.
BB, Lopex is nothing more than a stuttering fool!
No one with any credibility and integrity in Barnstable would be seen or associated with either Lopez or Julius. They are circus freaks!
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