But they never stick to the truth. Never.
Case is point. The Town's legal staff. Lopez and Jester Julius have spent two years attacking the Town's legal staff. Of course, one of the Hate Blog's strategies have been using (abusing) the legal system to attempt to smear our local government. What consistently has stopped them from succeeding is the combination of foolish claims and a talented Town legal staff that slam-dunks these guys at every turn.
Lopez and Jester Julius have continually stated that the Town has 11,12 or 13 attorney's and that we spend too much on legal staff.
The BarnstableBlogster spend one half an hour researching to get to the truth. Barnstable has a staff of 3 attorney's in the Legal Office (since 1994). Three. Not 11, 12 or 13. Three.
In addition, the School Department has historically used contracted attorney's but after conducting an audit, it was determined that over $100,000 a year could be saved by hiring an in-house attorney. So they did and have saved a ton of money, according to local reports.
So when Lopez and Jester Julius finally got their ears pinned back (again), what was their explanation?
That they were including the following people as Town Attorney's:
Ann Canedy, $7,500
Fred Chirigotis, $7,500
Richard Barry, $7,500
Tom Rugo, $7,500
Bob Smith, $125,000
David Houghton, $90,000
Patty Daly, $65,000
School Attorney- $100,000
Is my math all messed up or what? Does that come to 11, 12 or 13?
Of course the first four aren't Town Attorney's, they are Town Councilors. They are citizens who came forward and ran for office. They just happen to be lawyers. To count them on a list of Town Attorney's is not only deceptive and dishonest, but untruthful. Should citizens who happen to hold a law degree be excluded from public service?
So then we turn to Asst. Town Manager Paul Niedzwiecki and Growth Management staff Ruth Weil and Pat Daley. Each has a long list of responsibilities, none of which is to practice law or is associated with their law degree. They just happen to be very well educated and are capable managers. If all three resigned today, we assume the Town would rehire staff since they are providing vital town support. And of course, they forgot the third attorney in the legal office.
But to continuously state that the town has 11,12 or 13 attorney's would lead anyone to assume that the legal office is staffed with 11,12 or 13 lawyers. It is not, and has never been,according to official records. That is the truth.
Lopez and Jester Julius have not told the truth. They have practiced in a huge way the very deception that they chronically accuse town government of.
Lopez and Jester Julius need to come clean and tell the truth. The Town has three Attorney's under town management and the School Department has one.
Those are called facts. For two years, Lopez and Jester Julius has deceived the general public. But that ain't the worst of it.
The worst of it is that both, always knew the truth and chose to lie. Is that the type of reform we need?
What do you think?
excellent and keep up the good work
Great job bb. the wild west of "unethical journalism" at it's worst. There was an entire post (story)deleted from one of the the hate blogs this weekend about the All American City and another conspiracy theory. guess it was written and then after some research he found out he was wrong so he deleted it. Not the first time. Why do you think he was given the boot at capecodtoday? And these guys are running for public office and asking for the publics trust? And one of them claims to be a reporter?
Did you notice that the hate blogs aren't quick to respond? I guess the truth hurts. Keep it up, BB.
BB, This is unbelievable. How does the mainstream media not report on this stuff?
Two years of lies, BB. They got caught with their perverbial pants downon this one-
You might want to review the job description for Patty Daley's job. I think you will find that it requires a law degree.
But then the job description was written so that it fit her - and not too many other people. No surprise that she was hired.
This is not a comment on her capabilities in the position, I'm sure she does a fine job. But I am equally sure that it is not necessary to have a doctorate in law to do the sort of work required.
Lopez has never told the truth about anything. Reminds me of the fabrication of his success with the school funding which actually was an embarrassing failure.
You left out David Lawler. He's not paid by the Town but he's a lawyer on the school committee.
Milne reads Lopez. Lopez posts are special deliveried.
When will we know how much the town had to spend to defend the citizens against Julius?
BB, The irony is that we will know when Julius gets his information.
So BB, we have 3 staff attorney's and one school attorney? What is the issue?
Hi B- Did you notice that Julius changed his story when the facts were uncovered?
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