John Julius paints himself as a man on a mission. His mission, so he says, is to cut the cost of government. He is the self appointed, self-anointed spokesperson for all. If you doubt it, just ask him.
Just don't ask anyone else. Most local citizens would either not know him from Adam or else say, he's the nut that gets up at the Town Council meetings every month to hear himself speak. That is him all right.
He goes on and on on the local Hate Blogs about how he is uncovering the truth about government expenditures. They're hiding things. They're dishonest. They're crooks. They're thieves. Blah. Blah.Blah. He doesn't just take on a few. They're all crooks. All Town employees. All dedicated volunteers. Any citizen tied to our town government. Everyone!
In his latest rantings, he allegedly has asked the Town Finance supervisor to give him a complete record of the expenditures relating to outside legal work. The special lawyers on particular cases such as the Airport lawsuit, etc.
It will be interesting to see the final tally. But not for the reason Julius states. You see, a major tax dollar expenditure made recently was to defend the town against a lawsuit filed by none other than...John Julius.
Julius swore that the crooks did this and the crooks did that. That everything was illegal. And what did the judge say? He tossed the case out of court before it even went to trial because every count was laughable. But not before the town had to, to protect the interests of our community, expend funds to hire legal specialists.
The Barnstableblogger cannot wait until we find out how much the Town (read we taxpayers) had to pay BECAUSE of Julius' foolish lawsuit.
When we find out, we will call it the Julius surtax. The amount of money we had to pay for the foolishness of one complete fool.
What do you think?
BB, when you find out, make sure you publish it. Better yet, maybe I will file a Information request on that item.
BB, it went on for a few years before it was thrown out, didn't it? I'll bet you Julius cost us $500,000. Let's get the number-
That's only one suit, BB. What about all the staff time in answering foolish complaints to every agency known to man from the local to the county to the state to the fed's. I wonder if the finance staff could calculate the cost of staff time of every inquiry made by Julius that required town staff time? None of them ever went anywhere, but how much did they cost us?
It is probably $20-30,000 a year!
If people only knew.
This post got added to the comments of COG - and sparked some nasty comments from JJ - just thought you'd like to know...
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