Thursday, August 23, 2007

Does Everyone Really Hate the Tax Collector?

No. Not really. Historically, the tax collector was the person we loved to hate. Not hate personally. We just hated the thought of handed over our hard earned earnings to the King, Queen, President, Governor or Selectmen. It is as distasteful as April 15th, Tax Day each year.

In Barnstable, our Tax Collectors have all been decent, honorable, and even likable sorts. Our retiring Tax Collector is a delightful and wonderful public servant. And the next one will be, also.

But there is some controversy in this year's race for Tax Collector. It seems there is a local regulation that prohibits existing Town employees from getting paid, if they are a candidate for elective office.

The story goes that the regulation was overlooked by all and that now one of the candidates, Maureen Niemi, who also happens to be the present Assistant Tax Collector, is facing lose of pay until the election.

The BarnsableBlogger thinks that this is a fairness issue. If no one informed Ms. Niemi of this regulation, it should be waived this year. Apparently, the Personnel Board has the authority to recommend this. This is not an endorsement of this candidate, but simply a statement that she was not dealt a fair hand. The Personnel group should meet ASAP. And they should waive the regulation.

And then we should enjoy a spirited, enlightening and fair race.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I agree with your position wholeheartedly. Nothing was said about this situation until six weeks after Niemi pulled her papers. In order to advance logically in her career why should she have to forfeit her income for several weeks? Worse, we see stories about other candidates in the past who never had this same regulation applied to them. The responsible parties should lift this stricture in this case. Otherwise this race will be tainted. The other candidates are skilled campaigners who can handle themselves on a level playing field.

Anonymous said...

If this is allowed to stand then all the councilors running have to take a leave.

It makes sense to waive it.

Anonymous said...

It would be a loss to the entire town if the only candidate with actual tax collecting experience was disqualified for such a stupid reason.

I have nothing against the other candidates - but the tax collector should at least know the business, and we shouldn't eliminate the candidates who does. This is particularly true since to be elected you have to reside in this town, so otherwise qualified candidates are not allowed to compete for the job.

It's really an argument for making this an appointed position. In that case, only one of the present candidates would be qualified to apply for the job based on their qualifications.

Anonymous said...

The regulation makes no sense. It would preclude those most trained, i.e. Assistant Tax Collectors/Staff from every taking over. It sounds like an old law that needs to be changed. Thank you BB, for bringing it to our attention.


Anonymous said...

I heard that the meeting was on Tuesday. Good Luck to Maureen Niemi.
