Gary Lopez has a record best summed up in one word- Failure.
The Lopez record is one of spending years yapping about school funding. The net result is a huge failure. We are still woofully underfunded. He failed.
Then he ran for various elective offices. All failures.
Then he spearheaded an effort to take the Town to court relating to the Hyannis Water Company. Another failure.
Then he supported a split tax rate. Another failure.
Then he backed Fire District consolidation. He was so successful we are down to, well, five Fire Districts.
Instead of working to solve problems, Lopez has run one kamakazi mission after another. All collossal failures.
He has now reduced his commentary to personal attacks on Town Councilors and other Town officials.
That is one interesting record. The common thread?
What do you think?
I predict that Lopez will not run for Charter Commission because he knows he will lose. And on election night, the residents of Barnstable will finally find out how popular Julius is, assuming he doesn't chicken out too.
Interesting viewpoint!
BB, Do you know Lopez? If not, wait until you see him. And he has the _ _ _ _ _ to criticize the Councillors? Wait to you see him. Just wait. When you see him once, you WILL understand why he needs Julius to do his bidding for him.
I see today that KingKOG has exposed another great coverup in Barnstable! The school dept tried to keep secret a report about diversity problems in its schools!
Unfortunately for KingKOG, the facts seem to once again disprove his version of events.
I checked the school website ( and noticed that the report in question is posted on the home page. Not the best place to "hide" a report. Anyone interested has had access to the full report since the superintendent had it posted last fall.
Then I saw that former superintendent Mr McDonald had ASKED for the study...apparently he wanted to see what the problems were.
And then I checked the meeting minutes, also posted on the website, and saw the report was presented to the school dept at their June 20, 2006 this means it was broadcast on live TV, and repeated on tape over and over and over...
Then apparently, the Barnstable Patriot ran a story on the report.
Obviously, these school folks just don't know how to cover things up very well! It is almost as if they sought out the information, and then publicized it!
Thank goodness for KingKOG, who prowls the bowels of Barnstable ferreting out the Truth! Of course the fact that he misrepresented the truth in this case doesn't mean that we should cast any doubts on his other "facts"...does it?
There is a conspiracy under every rock with this gang. They are crazy.
Lopez misrepresenting the truth never seems to bother him, now does it?
BB, I have seen some amazing things in my life, but Lopez' attempt to rewrite history and make the School Department in the 1990's a well run operation is probably the most bizarre think yet. Deficits, scandals, corruption, incompetence, firings, etc. That was what happened in the 1990's at the Barnstable School Department. Does Lopez think we all have Alzheimer's?
Obviously BB, the answer is yes. I had to take my kids out of the system during that time.
He'll go 0 for 4 in this years election.
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