Sunday, August 5, 2007

A New and Positive Candidate?

I take it that Eric Schwaab is one of the 230 who visited yesterday. A loyal visitor just forwarded me his latest hate blog post. A new and positive (for the first time ever) Eric Schwaab has apparently emerged. How convenient!

Even though the forwarder says don't buy into this obvious campaign transformation, I'll bite.

You see, the Blogster could take any of the few issues Schwaab has focused on over the past few years and start asking questions. Take the Water Company acquisition for example.

Schwaab thinks we paid too much. Not according to two independent water utility experts contacted by the Cape Cod Times in a feature story several years ago. But maybe Schwaab knows more than the experts.

Schwaab also has criticized the capital plan that a dedicated group of Hyannis residents, who have volunteered to serve on the Water Board, have drafted, after consulting with many experts in the fields of water utility infrastructure and water quality. Once again, Schwaab second guesses our neighbors who have spent hundreds of hours putting the plan together. As a matter of fact, Schwaab was appointed to serve on the precursor to the present Board, and quit when he didn't get his way. Has he attended any Water Board meetings over the past few years and offered public input? Or has he simply criticized the work of others after the fact?

The private Barnstable Water Company is now publicly owned and guided by a well-respected group of Hyannis residents and business persons.

It seems that Schwaab doesn't want to solve problems or even roll up his sleeves to search for solutions. It appears that Schwaab wants to simply criticize, personally attack and demean the many who get involved.

Is that the type of Councilor you want on the Barnstable Town Council?

What do you think?


Anonymous said...


Perhaps Muffy has turned over a new leaf....but it is more likely he just wants people to perceive that he has, for a negative blog might get you viewers, but negative campaigning might lose you votes.

Let's see if he is willing to apologize for some of his re"pug"nant personal attacks on town officials, and is willing to admit that sometimes you can disagree with people, without calling them names.

Since the water issue seems to be his main cause these days, does Muffy agree that the town buyout of the private firm that didn't give a rat's ass about the residents was a good thing? Does Muffy agree that the system had many problems with infrastructure under the old owner's that the town is now stuck trying to repair? Does he want to push for re-selling the company to the private sector, since he has so many problems with the town's ownership?

When I see Muffy tell KingKOG, the JESTER, and the rest of the loonies to fight for positive reforms without resorting to personal attacks, and not side with their vile antics, then he can claim he has changed...until then, I doubt that old dog has learned any new tricks.

Anonymous said...

BB, People like Deb Krau, Allan Goddard and the others are doing a great job on the Water Board. Schwaab can't hold a candle to them. For all his talk, I doubt he has been to a Water Board meeting in a year. Schwaab has no credibility.

Anonymous said...

The Town bought the entire company and all if its assets. It kicked in a million to help soften the impact on rate payers, but the citizens of Barnstable own the entirety of the company. Why don't the residents of Hyannis own the Company? Because they refused for two decades to buy it through the Fire Department. If the town hadn't acted, God only knows who would own it now. And a capital plan is starting (for the first time in 50 years)to be implemented. And all Schwaab can do is whine that it wasn't done his way? This guy needs some counseling.


Anonymous said...

JJ challenged me to a debate on capecog. How funny is that? I win by default-ever see how stupid he looks before the Town Council?

Anonymous said...

John Julius debates no one. He throws all his venom then runs out of the Council hearing room. I would bet that he has not had 5 conversations with Janet Joakim, Hank Farnham or John Klimm in his life. He doesn't have the _____ to talk to them directly.


Anonymous said...

for town council...
I want someone who knows the history of the place, the people and has a real connection to our town. I want a person who's given time and energy to community organizations, and someone who's raised or raising children here.

Anonymous said...

Schwaab is like a shock jock who is interesting for about a month, and then is gone to something else.

Anonymous said...

BB, It is a joke that Schwaab is questioning people like Deb Krau. Deb would have him for breakfast. I would love to see a debate between Schwaab against Deb and John Klimm. It would not be pretty.


Anonymous said...

I spent the day today on the Hyannis Village Green.

The Boston Pops put on an incredible concert that was appreciated by over 10,000 people in an absolutely spectaclular setting.

Who was responsible for this great event?
The business community that spent all year long raising money and working on the logistics of bringing one of the premier orchestras in the country to our town.

You know who they are, those evildoer businees people that the hate blogs rail against all the time!?

Why did the green look so spectacular? Could it have been our supposed "corrupt and incompetent" town government?

I have not missed one of these concerts and this was the 22nd year. Today was the best ever.

Of course being a newcomer to our town, perhaps Schwaab did not know that it was happening. . .

Anonymous said...

Eric Schwaab is the classic bully. He is very insecure from a checkered life of failed relationships and mundane jobs. People like Eric only find success by bringing down all those around them. Thank God we have people in Barnstable who do carry the water and make a positive difference- unlike Mr. Schwaab.

And Schwaab thinks the voters should elect him to represent their
interests on the town council. Does anyone think he is capable of representing anything other than his own bizarre interests? That, folks, is a very scary thought.

Then Eric has the notion that he should be elected to the Charter Commission to review and perhaps reshape the Town of Barnstable. Imagine that- and he isn't even a full time resident of Barnstable. Anyone out there think they'll get real representation from this guy?

Eric Schwaab is nothing but a destructive influence, and the voters in Precinct 3 need to send a resounding message to him- get out of town, you disruptive fraud.

Anonymous said...

The runoff election in precinct 3 is set and guess who pulled the names from the hat to set the order ... none other than Mrs. "Muffy" Schwaab. Here it is folks:


Now that's justice!