The issues being raised in the Precinct 3 Council race are an interesting snapshot of the candidates raising them. Candidate Eric Schwaab continues to raise the Town's acquisition of the Barnstable Water Company several years ago. Fair enough.
The problem with candidate Schwaab is that he attempts to create a crisis and then serves himself up as the solution. Not a bad strategy, but for the fact that many of his potential constituents, unlike himself, have been around too long to buy it.
For decades, Hyannis was served by a self-serving private corporation who refused to spend one dime on improving the system as they extracted every dime out of the company for profit. The Hyannis Fire District, which has always had the right to buy the company, refused to step forward for over ten years. Then a Connecticut Corporation stepped up and bought the company. Once again, the Fire District refused to step forward.
So, the town finally did. The company is now in public ownership and , for the first time, repairs are being made.
Candidate Schwaab has some problems with that. Fair enough. What are his complaints?
First, he says we paid too much. Not so, according to a Cape Cod Times article quoting not one, but two experts in the utilities field.
Next, he says the plan to fix the infrastructure is ill-conceived. It may or may not be. But why did Eric Schwaab quit serving on the committee of citizens overseeing the operation? Also, why has Eric Schwaab not attended subsequent meetings (all open the public) to offer advice, criticisms or suggestions? I would hate to think it is because he wanted to use the criticism as a campaign issue.
And lastly, Candidate Schwaab criticizes the rate increase recently passed. A 5.75 annual increase from date of purchase is too much? The rates in the Hyannis area have not been increased since 1998. Wasn't it clear that whomever purchased the company, that increases would be necessary to fund a rebuild of the system?
The point is that Eric Schwaab has every right to criticize the Town's purchase. The question is, why has he ONLY criticized and not attempted to offer solutions in a venue that matters?
What do you think?
BB, Schwaab has also attacked the fact that asbestos pipes haven't been removed. I asked the super. of another Water District about this and was told that the Town has tested with no traces of asbestos being detected and that he did not recommend removing the pipes at this time. Does Schwaab no more than the experts? Has he asked anyone who is in the business or is this just a campaign issue?
BB, It would be interesting to hear how the other candidates in this race feel about this issue. If Schwaab has a problem with the hard work of Deb Krau, Allan Goddard, Skip Simpson and the rest of the Committee, why hasn't he stepped forward, attended meetings and offered sugggestions. I don't think criticizing the work of these people is going to get him anywhere. They are well respected residents. I met Deb Krau about a year ago and she is well regarded.
Schwaab has a slash and burn campaign strategy. Everyone is wrong and he is right!
My husband and I are supporting Hersey. He will bring a new and reasonable voice to the Town Council. He is not a whacko. He just wants to help the Town.
Thanks for stopping by. If you're talking to him, suggest he visit
We encourage all candidates to use this blog to reach the 250 visitors each day.
The BarnstableBlogger
There isn't one Hyannis resident that isn't happy the Town owns our water company. I don't where Schwaab is coming from?
Hey BB, You must of hit a raw nerve. Schwaab is putting up an alternative website to the BarnstableBlogger. Sometimes, the truth hurts, I guess.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Maybe someday Cape Cod Living will be as popular as the BarnstableBlogster.
He can run, BB, but he can't hide.
Now, Now- We welcome Eric Schwaab and all other candidates to come forward and engage in this discussion.
Why change? Jim Munafo works hard for us.
BB, I don't like Munafo's politics.
schwaab claims he quit the committee because he was asked to agree to a typical non disclosure agreement with regard to the rfp. perhaps he would not agree to this because he was already in partnership with is buddy cog who he so highly regards and who he gives credit to for his campaign, violating the terms of the disclosure agreement by contacting potential bidders and attempting to convince them of cogs conspiracy theory that the fix was in for barnstable water to win the bid, so why waste the expense of submitting a bid? To use the same cog test of truth method used re; rep. Atsalis, if it's not denied by the two, it must be true....
BB, if he is afraid to go into executive session on a committee, how is he going to di it if sits on the Council? Will be break the law and divulge confidential material?
our visitor numbers are off the charts. It looks like we are going to reach 400 today. Spread the word!
Thanks to all our visitors.
There are 13 councilors. In order to effect any change you have to have the ability to build consensus and you need a certain amount of goodwill and cooperation with your fellow councilors.
How can Schwaab be effective after the terrible and often libelous things that he has posted and allowed to be posted on his site about the councilors that he will have to work with?
He and the people he allows to post seem to be particularly vicious about female councilors.
And since he professes to believe in always bowing to the perceived will of the voters, what will happen if at some point he and voters have a difference of opinion.
He would vote his conscience like Janet did.
Hey BB, It took us about 13 seconds to figure out that Eric Schwaab is the author of the BlogBlaster. Nice going Eric. You really are impressing us with your statesmanship!
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