Saturday, August 18, 2007

So Much Happening in Barnstable Today

There is no doubt that Barnstable is a community on the move. A week doesn't pass without reading another story of unselfish dedication by our citizens, a new or improved program by our local government or another recognition or award achieved through the hard work of many.

We read this week that the Assistant Town Manager, Paul Nedzweicki, will be leaving for greener pastures. He has done an admirable job over the past few years and apparently is in line to become the new Director of the Cape Cod Commission.

That is good news for Nedzwiecki, good news for the Cape Cod Commission and, having him there, good news for the Town of Barnstable.

We also read about an upcoming meeting between the Airport Commission and the Town Council. Apparently, the Airport Commission has finally heard the pleas of the Town Administration who has insisted that they scale back on the project so that the Town is not placed in financial jeopardy and that we make sure the environment is protected and traffic congestion reduced. The BarnstableBlogger will again comment when the details of the plan are known.

The Council also has a huge opportunity to set a new tone at the Airport with new appointments to the Airport Commission. We continue to advocate for new faces on the Airport Commission.

We also applaud several new programs being proposed by Town Hall. One would finally address the issue of our access to our oceans and harbors. As a fisherman, I applaud any effort to improve our ways to water, boar ramps, etc.

I also see that the Manager is proposing a new program to help our residents who were left out in the cold when we adopted the confusing residential exemption. While the details are sketchy, it sounds both innovative and also simply the fair and just thing to do.

We are also beginning to hear from the candidates for local offices, whether it be the School Committee, Town Council, Tax Collector or Charter Commission. The BarnstableBlogger reminds all candidates that we recieve over 250 visitors a day and we welcome any and all candidates to write explaining why we should vote for them. Please don't waste our time telling us what's wrong with the other guy(gal), but what is right with you.

As I said, another interesting week in Barnstable.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

BB, Check out Michael Hersey. I met him the other day. He seems to be a pretty good candidate. He grew up here, has a young family and is a bright guy. I can see him as a positive addition to the Council. He didn't have a chip on his shoulder. Just wants to help out.


Anonymous said...


We live in Hyannis near the East Elementary School. There are three candidates on the ballot, but we know none of them. Any information about Mr. Gonzaga, Cox or Tinsley would be appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Anon: Thanks for the warning for our Centerville visitors.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Lou Gonzaga is still aligned with Lopez and Julius? He appears to have moderated lately. I actually like the guy.

Anonymous said...

BB, My motto is my Precinct is A.B.S. or anyone but Schwaab. Munafo and Hersey derserve to go to the finals.

Anonymous said...

But you'll only post sugar coated messages. You won't allow debate.

Anonymous said...


What I don't understand is how candidate Eric Schwaab will be able to effectively work with other Councilors, the administration, Town volunteers, etc. that he has been so critical of? He seems to be a bright, articulate young man and we need more of them. But there has been a constant attack that is odd for someone who has just become a voter. This is not meant to be negative. My question to Mr. Schwaab is this, can you offer me and my wife some assurance that you can and will work WITH people to solve some of our community problems. As a senior, I know it is easier to criticize, than to solve. I have an open mind and will listen to Mr. Schwaab and Mr. Hersey with objectivity. Good luck to all the candidates!

Anonymous said...

Let the debates begin-

Anonymous said...

To All Visitors:

Please pass on our address to candidates and make sure they know this is a forum open to all candidates from now until November.

Anonymous said...


Lou Gonzaga told me he will have nothing to do with Lopez and Julius. He can't run away from them fast enough. I guess he wants to win.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Gonzaga has gone before the town council on many occasions and made very disparaging remarks about people from other countries, it think the word I am looking for is zenophobic. Whatever it is, he seems extremely prejudiced to me. I don't like it.

Anonymous said...

Lou hasn't held a real job in a decade. I don't know if we want a councilor who thinks that $10,000 is a full time salary.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone figured out the Farnham v. Brennan race yet?

Anonymous said...

What's to figure? Hank's the best councilor we have and have had for a long time. Why would you rock that boat?

Anonymous said...

If the Council has a huge opportunity to promote change with its Airport Commission appointments, why is it moving to reappoint Dunning?

Anonymous said...

As I remember WB's Audrey Loughnane (?) was lauded to the town skies before she retired as a councilor. That wasn't very long ago. Your memory regarding Mr. Farnham's tenure is woefully short.

Anonymous said...

Peter, you're right, Audrey was a good one - in retrospect better now than I thought when she was in office. I was thinking of the town as a whole - bad habit, I just can't think of it as only my neck of the woods.

Personally, I liked Clark for his intelligence and Peter Jasin because he was fun, so was John Boyle but not so much now. Gobeil seemed to find the compromise when needed. So few stand out.

I like Hank because he is intelligent and thoughtful. He always has a reasoned response to an issue. I might not like his opinion, and he might not like mine, but each is fully considered.

Anonymous said...

BB, I am supporting Tinsley. He is active in Hyannis East Elementary School and understands what the hard working families in this area face. I think he will be a good Councilor.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Jim Tinsley is related to the former Town Manager. He was a good guy!

Anonymous said...

No relation.

Anonymous said...

Dear BBA whichever one you are: Thank you for your reply regarding Councilor Loughnane. I do not share your estimate of the Messrs. Gobeil and Farnham. The former has recently denounced democratic remedies like recall; strange opinions coming from an American civics teacher. Mr. Farnham e.g. once called me a terrorist on Town TV; that is akin these days to yelling fire in a crowded theater when there is no fire.

Anonymous said...

10:22 p.m. response was from Peter Doiron.

BarnstableBlogger said...

Thanks for the comments Peter.

Anonymous said...

BB, Don't be so sure about the Cape Cod Commission appointment. It is too much a back room deal. The Selection Committee just disbanded because they believe the job has already been promised. Watch this one-

Anonymous said...

Give the people the vote on the Cape Cod Commission!