Friday, August 31, 2007

Don't Cry For Me Gary Lopez

I know. I know. The Hate Blogs hate it when the BarnstableBlogger toots Barnstable's horn. TOOT. TOOT.

All they do is cry everytime something good happens in Barnstable.

The Hate Blogs, AKA Gary Lopez and Eric Schwaab, spend two years beating the daylights out of the Town. Why?

Because they hate the Town of Barnstable. And they will NEVER admit that we are a wonderful community. They are miserable people. Terminally depressed, mean-spirited and angry people who want to assume the worst in life.

What will they do when they hear about the latest financial good news in Barnstable? Lopez and Schwaab will proclaim that the fix was in. They will say that Finance Director Mark Milne is related to a Moody. They will say anything to make the town look bad.

Well, too bad for them.

The Barnstable Patriot covered the story about our Town's incredible financial position. And what did they say?

Barnstable bond rating upgraded by Moody’s
Second best rating given

By David Still II

The Town of Barnstable now has two bond ratings to be proud of.
Town finance director Mark Milne was informed this week that Moody’s investment house had upgraded Barnstable two positions to Aa1, a step below its highest.

According to a memo from Milne to Town Manager John Klimm, it was Moody’s, not the town, that sought to take another look. Moody’s last rated the town in 1999, giving it an Aa3 rating, three steps below the highest.
Barnstable’s upgraded bond rating essentially translates into a higher credit score for the town.

Milne wrote, "Moody’s felt they owed it to bond holders who are holding town bonds that were rated by them to update the bond rating." The benefit to bond holders is that the new rating provides a higher-graded investment "which could bring them more money if they decided to sell it," Milne wrote.

In an interview this week, Milne said that the town stopped using Moody’s as its rating company after 1999 "because we didn’t think they really understood Cape Cod communities."

In addition, Moody’s stuck close to the numbers, instead of reviewing overall management practices and decisions in a community.

"Management decisions can affect a bond rating more quickly than anything else," Milne said.

In his memo, Milne wrote, "There are only 7 other communities rated Aa1 by Moody’s in MA (Acton, Bedford, Boston, Lincoln, Sudbury, Waltham, and Westwood). Both are excellent bonds ratings which the community can be very proud of."

The town’s financial advisors indicated that it would be unusual for a rating to jump three rankings at once. Milne expressed confidence that the town could achieve Moody’s highest rating "so long as the town does not deviate significantly from the course it has been following."
Barnstable received an AAA rating from Standard and Poor’s earlier this year in association with a sizeable bond issue.

That rating allowed the town to sell its bonds in the retail market for the first time, providing competition among bidders and a lower rate on the bonds.
The two ratings are independent of one another. Moody’s new rating does not affect the bonds issued under the AAA rating from Standard and Poor’s."

Another victory for the hard working employees and the citizens of Barnstable.

Lopez and Schwaab are just going to have to cry in their spilt milk. Again.

Don't Cry for Us Gary Lopez.

What do you think?

Thursday, August 30, 2007

It's Laughing at Lopez

All you can do is laugh. This guy Lopez is so out of touch it is pathetic. His blog, CapeKog is deemed at best, a joke. So what is the latest illogical, inaccurate and embarrassing post from Lopez?

"Breaking news….Niedzwieki out of Cape Cod Commission…

COG sources report that the Cape Cod Commissioners have decided against Barnstable Assistant Manager, Paul Niedzwieki, for the Cape Cod Commission Director’s job.
Paul, who is scheduled to have an interview for the job tomorrow, might just as well stay home. If there are COGgers out there who know Paul, why don't you call him and save him the trip down here....

COG advises Paul N. to look for work north of the two bridges, because his name is tarnished locally. Good luck in your career, Paul, because from this corner, it looks like you’ll need it…
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush…It's not to smart to give up a job that pays $100,000+ when you don't have another in hand. As far as COG is concerned it's good riddance the bad rubbish, because you weren't worth the money on the town job."

So Paul Niedzwiecki is not getting the job, right? He is the only one being interviewed and is rumored to already have the job. Are there any lights left on in Gary's head?

So what else does Lopez say?

My sources haven't been wrong yet. The whole idea of blogs is to pull back the drapes and open the window on corrupt practices. Just like lifting up a boulder and watching the bugs all flee in every direction, the corruption, once under the spotlight goes away. Niedzwieki may be interviewed today, but he won't be hired. There are at least ten others who filled out applications, and are scheduled to be interviewed next week. I believe the decision won't be made until the second week in September. I'm batting 1,000, it's you're right to bet against me."

There isn't one ounce of fact in anything in the last paragraph. There are no interviews other than Niedzwiecki's. The decision will be made next week. Lopez is batting about 125.

Lopez' latest predictions are so bad, one must wonder if he is suffering from Alzheimers. What a joke.

It's Laughing at Lopez.

What do you think?

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Let's Elect Einstein for Councilor

This guy, Eric Schwaab, is real bright. He can sure pick issues to run on. Yes, this guy is something to behold. If you doubt it, just ask him.

Let's take a look at his priorities, also known as convenient no-brainers for politicians.


Issue #1. Let's eliminate the Bus Fees for school children. Now there is an issue if I ever saw one.

Wait a minute, though. Did Councilor Munafo vote for or support the bus fees? Did Candidate Hersey come out in favor of the bus fees when we weren't looking?
Now that you ask, have you ever met anyone who is FOR bus fees? (other than the School Committee who unfortunately implemented them so that they could give large pay increases to school staff?)

The point is no one wants the fees. But has candidate Schwaab EVER attended a School Committee meeting to ask that the vote be rescinded? Has he ever lobbied School Committee members to change their vote? Has he ever done anything to correct the situation? Or is he just looking for issues to run a political campaign on?

Issue #2. Maintain the Residential Exemption at current levels.

I'll tell you something. That candidate Eric Schwaab should be up for the next edition of Profiles In Courage. He says, let's tax non-residents more than the rest of us. You now the theme, screw 'um since they can't vote. (interesting stance from one now that he has finally become a Barnstable resident).

Issue #3. Implement the Split Tax as recommended by the citizen committee who developed the proposal.

Hey Candidate Schwwaab, I thought it was Lopez and Julius who recommended the split tax rate. So, it was the citizens committee after all. Thanks for the clarification. Once again, the majority of Precinct 3 voters are not small business owners so guess what? Another nomination for Profiles in Courage.

Issue #4. Rebuild the water company by replacing the asbestos/concrete pipes - sooner rather than later.

Interesting recommendation from someone who could have become a major player on the issue, but quit. Since then, has candidate Schwaab attended meetings of the Water Committee to convince the citizens committee to add his recommendations to the long range plan? We all know the answer to that one, too.

Issue #5 Fix our Roads.

Now there is an issue that differentiates the candidates from candidate Schwaab. I am sure Councilor Munafo and candidate Hersey are Pro-Pothole candidates. I am sure they DON'T want the roads fixed.

But wait a minute. Didn't Councilor Munafo support the longe range Roads plan passed by our Council?

Why do I have this strange feeling that, once again, candidate Schwaab has done nothing other than offer criticism.

All of this leads to the real question, is this about making our community better or is it really about doing anything or saying anything to get elected to office. Is this about Barnstable or about Eric Schwaab?

Put it this way folks..... it ain't about Barnstable.

What do you think?

Monday, August 27, 2007

A Review- Aselton Park Alive and Well

One of the wonders of the Summer Season in Hyannis has been the addition of live entertainment and theater on Aselton Park in Hyannis.

Aselton Park, named after a Barnstable Police Officer killed in the line of duty, has been transformed into a beautiful and vibrant Park with performances all summer long. An interesting mix of locals and tourists join together bringing lawn chairs and blankets to enjoy the festive atmosphere.

The wonderful volunteers and staff responsible for the creation and expansion of activities on Aselton Park should be recognized for a job well done.

Hyannis is alive and well. If you haven't experienced it lately, you should.

What do you think?

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Arrogance and Ego are Terrible Things to Waste

If you doubt it, just ask Town Council Candidate Eric Schwaab.

Schwaab wrote a note to his opponent, Michael Hersey, on the great new website by the Barnstable Patriot, .

The note defies any sense of logic, sportsmanship or mutual respect.

Schwaab writes, "If you support Hersey, I suggest you tell him to get the word out on his campaign. " (How arrogant do you have to be to tell your opponents supporters what they should be doing?)

Schwaab continues, "I've respect Micahel(?), but he has been very slow to get the word out on his campaign." (How arrogant do you have to be to criticize your opponents strategy in the campaign. We are not even close to the Preliminary Election yet. It really sounds like old Eric is more than a tad bit concerned about Mr. Hersey, doesn't it?)

Have you had enough arrogance yet?

Schwwab continues, "This may be because he's taken very middle of the road positions on taxes, roads and Barlaco land deal. We have a lot of work to do rebuilding our roads and fixing our water system in Hyannis. My concern with Hersey is that he doesn't have a fire in his belly. (So we are to believe that good old Eric is CONCERNED that Mr. Hersey does not have fire in his belly? How well does Schwaab know Mr. Hersey? I thought we read that they just met? Once again, it looks like Schwaab is scared to death of this guy.)

Schwaab concludes, "I'm concerned, he won't get the job done..... " P.S. Does anyone know where he stands on bus fees? (Does anyone care where Mr. Hersey stands on bus fees? He is not running for School Committee, the body that gave us the bus fees.)

The Schwaab note smacks of arrogance, from an obvious control freak who wants to set all the rules of the campaign. Unfortunately for him, it doesn't work that way.

The BarnstableBlogger has some advice for Eric Schwaab. Why not let the good citizens of Precinct 3 worry about Mr. Hersey.

Your Arrogance Runneth Over!

What do you think?

Precinct Three- The Issues, The Answers

The issues being raised in the Precinct 3 Council race are an interesting snapshot of the candidates raising them. Candidate Eric Schwaab continues to raise the Town's acquisition of the Barnstable Water Company several years ago. Fair enough.

The problem with candidate Schwaab is that he attempts to create a crisis and then serves himself up as the solution. Not a bad strategy, but for the fact that many of his potential constituents, unlike himself, have been around too long to buy it.

For decades, Hyannis was served by a self-serving private corporation who refused to spend one dime on improving the system as they extracted every dime out of the company for profit. The Hyannis Fire District, which has always had the right to buy the company, refused to step forward for over ten years. Then a Connecticut Corporation stepped up and bought the company. Once again, the Fire District refused to step forward.

So, the town finally did. The company is now in public ownership and , for the first time, repairs are being made.

Candidate Schwaab has some problems with that. Fair enough. What are his complaints?

First, he says we paid too much. Not so, according to a Cape Cod Times article quoting not one, but two experts in the utilities field.

Next, he says the plan to fix the infrastructure is ill-conceived. It may or may not be. But why did Eric Schwaab quit serving on the committee of citizens overseeing the operation? Also, why has Eric Schwaab not attended subsequent meetings (all open the public) to offer advice, criticisms or suggestions? I would hate to think it is because he wanted to use the criticism as a campaign issue.

And lastly, Candidate Schwaab criticizes the rate increase recently passed. A 5.75 annual increase from date of purchase is too much? The rates in the Hyannis area have not been increased since 1998. Wasn't it clear that whomever purchased the company, that increases would be necessary to fund a rebuild of the system?

The point is that Eric Schwaab has every right to criticize the Town's purchase. The question is, why has he ONLY criticized and not attempted to offer solutions in a venue that matters?

What do you think?

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Does Everyone Really Hate the Tax Collector?

No. Not really. Historically, the tax collector was the person we loved to hate. Not hate personally. We just hated the thought of handed over our hard earned earnings to the King, Queen, President, Governor or Selectmen. It is as distasteful as April 15th, Tax Day each year.

In Barnstable, our Tax Collectors have all been decent, honorable, and even likable sorts. Our retiring Tax Collector is a delightful and wonderful public servant. And the next one will be, also.

But there is some controversy in this year's race for Tax Collector. It seems there is a local regulation that prohibits existing Town employees from getting paid, if they are a candidate for elective office.

The story goes that the regulation was overlooked by all and that now one of the candidates, Maureen Niemi, who also happens to be the present Assistant Tax Collector, is facing lose of pay until the election.

The BarnsableBlogger thinks that this is a fairness issue. If no one informed Ms. Niemi of this regulation, it should be waived this year. Apparently, the Personnel Board has the authority to recommend this. This is not an endorsement of this candidate, but simply a statement that she was not dealt a fair hand. The Personnel group should meet ASAP. And they should waive the regulation.

And then we should enjoy a spirited, enlightening and fair race.

What do you think?

Saturday, August 18, 2007

So Much Happening in Barnstable Today

There is no doubt that Barnstable is a community on the move. A week doesn't pass without reading another story of unselfish dedication by our citizens, a new or improved program by our local government or another recognition or award achieved through the hard work of many.

We read this week that the Assistant Town Manager, Paul Nedzweicki, will be leaving for greener pastures. He has done an admirable job over the past few years and apparently is in line to become the new Director of the Cape Cod Commission.

That is good news for Nedzwiecki, good news for the Cape Cod Commission and, having him there, good news for the Town of Barnstable.

We also read about an upcoming meeting between the Airport Commission and the Town Council. Apparently, the Airport Commission has finally heard the pleas of the Town Administration who has insisted that they scale back on the project so that the Town is not placed in financial jeopardy and that we make sure the environment is protected and traffic congestion reduced. The BarnstableBlogger will again comment when the details of the plan are known.

The Council also has a huge opportunity to set a new tone at the Airport with new appointments to the Airport Commission. We continue to advocate for new faces on the Airport Commission.

We also applaud several new programs being proposed by Town Hall. One would finally address the issue of our access to our oceans and harbors. As a fisherman, I applaud any effort to improve our ways to water, boar ramps, etc.

I also see that the Manager is proposing a new program to help our residents who were left out in the cold when we adopted the confusing residential exemption. While the details are sketchy, it sounds both innovative and also simply the fair and just thing to do.

We are also beginning to hear from the candidates for local offices, whether it be the School Committee, Town Council, Tax Collector or Charter Commission. The BarnstableBlogger reminds all candidates that we recieve over 250 visitors a day and we welcome any and all candidates to write explaining why we should vote for them. Please don't waste our time telling us what's wrong with the other guy(gal), but what is right with you.

As I said, another interesting week in Barnstable.

What do you think?

Monday, August 13, 2007

The Lopez Record of Failure

Gary Lopez has a record best summed up in one word- Failure.

The Lopez record is one of spending years yapping about school funding. The net result is a huge failure. We are still woofully underfunded. He failed.

Then he ran for various elective offices. All failures.

Then he spearheaded an effort to take the Town to court relating to the Hyannis Water Company. Another failure.

Then he supported a split tax rate. Another failure.

Then he backed Fire District consolidation. He was so successful we are down to, well, five Fire Districts.

Instead of working to solve problems, Lopez has run one kamakazi mission after another. All collossal failures.

He has now reduced his commentary to personal attacks on Town Councilors and other Town officials.

That is one interesting record. The common thread?


What do you think?

Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Anatomy of The Lopez Lie

It's usually grounded on at least a morsel of truth. Usually. That is how Gary Lopez and his Jester, John Julius, start their argument. But it all too quickly morphs into utter lunacy with the insertion of half-truths, lies and distortions. They will say anything to attempt to prove a point. And if their diatribes were accurate, they would.

But they never stick to the truth. Never.

Case is point. The Town's legal staff. Lopez and Jester Julius have spent two years attacking the Town's legal staff. Of course, one of the Hate Blog's strategies have been using (abusing) the legal system to attempt to smear our local government. What consistently has stopped them from succeeding is the combination of foolish claims and a talented Town legal staff that slam-dunks these guys at every turn.

Lopez and Jester Julius have continually stated that the Town has 11,12 or 13 attorney's and that we spend too much on legal staff.

The BarnstableBlogster spend one half an hour researching to get to the truth. Barnstable has a staff of 3 attorney's in the Legal Office (since 1994). Three. Not 11, 12 or 13. Three.

In addition, the School Department has historically used contracted attorney's but after conducting an audit, it was determined that over $100,000 a year could be saved by hiring an in-house attorney. So they did and have saved a ton of money, according to local reports.

So when Lopez and Jester Julius finally got their ears pinned back (again), what was their explanation?

That they were including the following people as Town Attorney's:

Ann Canedy, $7,500

Fred Chirigotis, $7,500

Richard Barry, $7,500

Tom Rugo, $7,500

Bob Smith, $125,000

David Houghton, $90,000

Patty Daly, $65,000

School Attorney- $100,000

Is my math all messed up or what? Does that come to 11, 12 or 13?

Of course the first four aren't Town Attorney's, they are Town Councilors. They are citizens who came forward and ran for office. They just happen to be lawyers. To count them on a list of Town Attorney's is not only deceptive and dishonest, but untruthful. Should citizens who happen to hold a law degree be excluded from public service?

So then we turn to Asst. Town Manager Paul Niedzwiecki and Growth Management staff Ruth Weil and Pat Daley. Each has a long list of responsibilities, none of which is to practice law or is associated with their law degree. They just happen to be very well educated and are capable managers. If all three resigned today, we assume the Town would rehire staff since they are providing vital town support. And of course, they forgot the third attorney in the legal office.

But to continuously state that the town has 11,12 or 13 attorney's would lead anyone to assume that the legal office is staffed with 11,12 or 13 lawyers. It is not, and has never been,according to official records. That is the truth.

Lopez and Jester Julius have not told the truth. They have practiced in a huge way the very deception that they chronically accuse town government of.

Lopez and Jester Julius need to come clean and tell the truth. The Town has three Attorney's under town management and the School Department has one.

Those are called facts. For two years, Lopez and Jester Julius has deceived the general public. But that ain't the worst of it.

The worst of it is that both, always knew the truth and chose to lie. Is that the type of reform we need?

What do you think?

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Can We Afford John Julius?

John Julius paints himself as a man on a mission. His mission, so he says, is to cut the cost of government. He is the self appointed, self-anointed spokesperson for all. If you doubt it, just ask him.

Just don't ask anyone else. Most local citizens would either not know him from Adam or else say, he's the nut that gets up at the Town Council meetings every month to hear himself speak. That is him all right.

He goes on and on on the local Hate Blogs about how he is uncovering the truth about government expenditures. They're hiding things. They're dishonest. They're crooks. They're thieves. Blah. Blah.Blah. He doesn't just take on a few. They're all crooks. All Town employees. All dedicated volunteers. Any citizen tied to our town government. Everyone!

In his latest rantings, he allegedly has asked the Town Finance supervisor to give him a complete record of the expenditures relating to outside legal work. The special lawyers on particular cases such as the Airport lawsuit, etc.

It will be interesting to see the final tally. But not for the reason Julius states. You see, a major tax dollar expenditure made recently was to defend the town against a lawsuit filed by none other than...John Julius.

Julius swore that the crooks did this and the crooks did that. That everything was illegal. And what did the judge say? He tossed the case out of court before it even went to trial because every count was laughable. But not before the town had to, to protect the interests of our community, expend funds to hire legal specialists.

The Barnstableblogger cannot wait until we find out how much the Town (read we taxpayers) had to pay BECAUSE of Julius' foolish lawsuit.

When we find out, we will call it the Julius surtax. The amount of money we had to pay for the foolishness of one complete fool.

What do you think?

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Some Great Press for Hyannis!

Did you happen to catch Fox TV recently reviewing the Village of Hyannis? What a great piece. Doug Meehan, who grew up in Yarmouth and now is seen every morning on Fox TV- Channel 13, hosts a weekend getaway segment. It looked GREAT!

If you haven't it yet, check it out at:

Main Street, the Waterfront and our local restaurants and Inns (the Anchor Inn receives special recognition for being a great spot to spend a few days at a great location) all receive rave reviews by Doug.

Thanks Doug Meehan for spreading the good word. Hyannis is a great place to visit and a wonderful place to live.

Hyannis is great and getting better everyday!

What do you think?

Sunday, August 5, 2007

A New and Positive Candidate?

I take it that Eric Schwaab is one of the 230 who visited yesterday. A loyal visitor just forwarded me his latest hate blog post. A new and positive (for the first time ever) Eric Schwaab has apparently emerged. How convenient!

Even though the forwarder says don't buy into this obvious campaign transformation, I'll bite.

You see, the Blogster could take any of the few issues Schwaab has focused on over the past few years and start asking questions. Take the Water Company acquisition for example.

Schwaab thinks we paid too much. Not according to two independent water utility experts contacted by the Cape Cod Times in a feature story several years ago. But maybe Schwaab knows more than the experts.

Schwaab also has criticized the capital plan that a dedicated group of Hyannis residents, who have volunteered to serve on the Water Board, have drafted, after consulting with many experts in the fields of water utility infrastructure and water quality. Once again, Schwaab second guesses our neighbors who have spent hundreds of hours putting the plan together. As a matter of fact, Schwaab was appointed to serve on the precursor to the present Board, and quit when he didn't get his way. Has he attended any Water Board meetings over the past few years and offered public input? Or has he simply criticized the work of others after the fact?

The private Barnstable Water Company is now publicly owned and guided by a well-respected group of Hyannis residents and business persons.

It seems that Schwaab doesn't want to solve problems or even roll up his sleeves to search for solutions. It appears that Schwaab wants to simply criticize, personally attack and demean the many who get involved.

Is that the type of Councilor you want on the Barnstable Town Council?

What do you think?

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Schwaab Loses Election- Takes Negativity Back Home

That's it. That will be the headline in the local paper after the election.


Because for some unknown reason, Town Council candidate Eric W. (WHO) Schwaab can't stay positive. He has just begun his campaign and he (and/or his blog) has defamed both of his opponents in the race.

We don't even know who Eric W. (WHO) Schwaab is, other than the guy who viciously has allowed attacks on the practice of religion of one of his opponents and the business associations of the other.

That is what we know about Eric W. (WHO) Schwaab. He just became a voter in our community and he has spent several years as the host of a local Hate Blog. Several years of vicious and mean-spirited attacks on anyone and everyone who is associated with the very town that he now wants to govern.

His campaign strategy? Win by smearing your opponents.

It won't work. Barnstable is better than that. Our citizens are better than that.

Either change your tactics or take you Boston politics back to Boston!

What do you think?