Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Wealthy Bostonian Tries to Buy Race

Can you imagine spending over $8000.00 to win a Barnstable Town Council seat?

Yes, I said $8000. Not $80 or even $800. I said $8000.

Too crazy to be true?

Not if your Eric Schwaab. Yes, that's new resident and voter Eric Schwaab from Boston and Hyannis.

According to the Barnstable Patriot, Eric Schwaab has funneled over $8000 of his own money into the race for Town Council.

And if that is not bad enough, he plans to spend $800.00 on a party on Election night.

Whatever happened to a local home grown, hometown race where you bang in a few signs and wear out the old shoe leather going door to door.

I was told by a Hyannis old-timer today, "that is not how you do things in Boston."

I guess it isn't. But why would someone in his right mind spend $8000. for what is essentially a volunteer position.

If Eric Schwaab wins, I guess that our seats are for sale in Barnstable. For sale to the wealthiest party.

Bostonians must think we are all pretty dumb in Barnstable.

The Eric Schwaab Strategy

Move into Town.

Throw in $8000.

Tell a bunch of lies.

Win a Council seat.

Have an $800 party.

Don't we deserve better. Let's tell Eric Schwaab we aren't for sale.

Let's tell him if he want's to buy a seat, go home to Boston.

What do you think?

Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Truth About Eric Schwaab

The truth about Eric Schwaab is that he apparently can't tell the truth.

Why would Barnstable residents support a candidate who can't tell the truth? In the end, that is what the Precinct Three Town Council election is all about.

The foundation of the Schwaab run for Town Council is that the incumbent, James Munafo, has been unresponsive to resident concerns. Schwaab say Munafo didn't return the phone calls of his constituents. If true, it is a legitimate claim.

Schwaab said at a recent debate that THE reason why he chose to run was that Munafo did not and would not return his repeated phone calls.

As I said, a pretty legitimate claim, if true.

But when Mr. Munafo reminded Schwaab that Schwaab never called or contacted Mr. Munafo, Schwaab did not refute the charge.

So we have a campaign founded on a lie.

Why would someone/anyone do that?

For all the legitimate reasons one might use to justify a decision to enter a political race, why choose a lie?

And what other claims used by Schwaab are untrue? That asbestos lined pipes cause cancer? That Councilors implemented the bus fees? That Munafo is in favor of raising taxes?

In the end, this race does come down to one issue. Honesty. Or the lack of it.

Here is a guy who just became a resident and registered voter in Barnstable. What do we really know about him?

We know he has tons of time to campaign. We knowhe says he is employed. We know he is affiliated with the likes of John Julius, Gary Lopez and Lou Gonzaga.

But what else do we know?

Other than the fact that he has a tough time with the truth?

Don't we deserve better than that?

What do you think?

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Lopez' Kiss of Death

Every Election season over the past few years has included what is known as the Gary Lopez list of losers. They are the blessed few endorsed by Centerville Nut Gary Lopez. So who made the fatal list this year?

Town Council Candidates

Eric Schwaab
Jason Cox
John Brennan

Tax Collector Candidate

Maureen Niemi

School Committee Candidates

Peg Dandridge
Tom Dolby

Charter Commission Candidates

Oliver Cipollini
John Julius
Bradley Ouimette
Taryn Thoman
William Cronin

So, as before, we pass the word to all in Barnstable.


What do you think?

Friday, October 26, 2007

The Beginning of the End For Schwaab

The Barnstable Patriot formally endorsed James Munafo for Precinct Three Town Council race.

No surprises there.


Because Eric Schwaab is a self-serving, arrogant, shameless newcomer who knows better than anyone what is right and wrong with this town. If you doubt it, just ask him.

So what did the Patriot say about this race?

Munafo for Town Council

"Jim Munafo has been known to frustrate his colleagues. He’s an adherent to the charter, a stickler for rules and a needed influence on the council.Above all, Munafo is reliable in how he acts, thinks and considers the decisions to be made.

We don’t always agree with those decisions, but we’ve never questioned the integrity with which they were made. In our experience, the same cannot be said of candidate Eric Schwaab, whose dedication to accuracy and fairness we seriously question.Candidate Michael Hersey, who was bested in the preliminary, penned a letter in support of Munafo in which he said Schwaab broke each agreement the two reached during the campaign. That’s similar to our experience with him, as well, and of others with whom we’ve spoken.We give Schwaab credit for engaging his supporters and critics on his Web site. It provides a direct connection to a candidate, allowing everyone the same opportunity for observations and insights. That interaction is valuable and we recommend that voters take a look before going to the polls.Munafo has done the work and deserves the trust of voters."

Well said Barnstable Patriot.

Well said.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Election In Precinct 3 is Pathetic

Have you ever seen anything like it?

How embarrassing. How sad.

The election for Town Council in Precinct 3 has brought local campaigning to an all time low. Candidate Eric Schwaab started this campaign with a campaign theme that "we can do better". He is right. We do deserve better.

But Eric Schwaab should be shamed of the campaign that he has conducted. It is the very worst of what politics has to offer. Built on fear, person attacks, innuendo, smear and lies.

Council candidate Eric Schwaab has brought local politics to such a low level I wouldn't be surprised if no one showed up to vote.

So far we have seen:

1. A candidates debate with a debate official now admitting he met with Schwaab the night before the debate to discuss issues.

2. Complaints of harassment to Barnstable Police that candidate Schwaab had repeatedly verbally harassed a supporter of his opponent by repeated phone calls to his business.

3. Candidate Schwaab publicly admitting that he went onto private property and illegally removing and stealing a campaign sign of his opponent.

4. Candidate Shwaab starting a cancer scare for no reason but to win votes.

5. Candidate Schwaab alienating almost every sitting Town Councilor by allowing scandalous posts and vicious personal attacks about them on his website. And he expects to work with them after the election?

Barnstable does deserve better. The Cape Cod Times, the Barnstable Patriot, The Register and every radio outlet should endorse Schwaab's opponent by stating that Barnstable is, "a No Place For Hate" community. The hate spewed by candidate Schwaab has never been seen before on this side of the bridge. It might be commonplace in Boston, but is that what we have come to?

Schwaab should take his hateful ways back to his residence in Brighton.

We can do better. Better than Eric Schwaab.

What do you think?

Friday, October 12, 2007

The Shameful, Shameless Politics of Eric Schwaab

There is an old adage in business that says to succeed, you first have to create a crisis, then serve your business up as the solution. It isn't used much because consumers can usually can see through it. Usually.

Sometimes political candidates are pretty good at using this ploy. Sometimes they aren't.

Precinct 3 Town Council candidate Eric Schwaab is the worst.

In what has to be the biggest case of selfish sensationalism and shameful scare tactics ever used in a local political race, Schwaab is creating a cancer scare, then offering him up as the solution. All to win a Barnstable Town Council seat.

Has he no shame? Schwaab is playing with the emotions and trauma of those who have either faced this horrid disease or are afraid of it. All to win seat on our Town Council?

Shameless. Shameful. That's Eric Schwaab. Their must be a special place in hell for those who would resort to such tactics.

What do you think?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Calling All Bloggers--Calling All Bloggers

This guy Eric Schwaab thinks he is the cat's meow. You doubt it? Just ask him.

As Election Day draws nearer, we still don't know squat about this guy. He just showed up. Became a voter about ten minutes ago. He says he has all the answers. So the BB is asking?

Who knows this guy? His background? Any interesting stories? Any run-ins with Mr. Eric Schwaab?

Let's find out who this guy really is.

What say you Bloggers?

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Hate comes back to haunt the The Hate Blogs

For several years, the Hate Blogs, written by two guys named Gary Lopez and Eric Schwaab, viciously attacked numerous people in Town Hall. One of them was Bob Smith, the Town lawyer. They called Bob everything in the book. They questioned his competence, his honesty, his integrity and his morals. They unmercifully attacked him. Bob died a few days ago.

Now Schwaab and Lopez are calling him a good guy. They're saying we should honor his memory. They say we should be sensitive to his wife and kids. They are saying he did some great things for our town. They say Mr. Smith was a wonderful guy. Oh really?

Where was Schwaab and Lopez' sympathy and sensitivity when Bob was alive? Were they thinking about how their mean spirited and hateful attacks were impacting Bob and his family when Bob was alive?

Bob had a lot of friends. Even if we didn't know Bob, we admired him. Almost everyone in Town did.

Except for Eric Schwaab and Gary Lopez.

Hate does come back to haunt the hate blogs.

What do you think?