Friday, April 27, 2007

To Coddah: Patience is a Virtue

I have to give it to Mr/Mrs Coddah. The hate blogs have bashed the Codster for years. Now they want to break bread. It goes to show you what a consistent message base on a core philosophy will do for you. On this and other blogs, Coddah has advocated reform with a twist. The Codster has advocated civility and offered reasoned discourse. He/she has been the brunt of brutal attacks by the other blogs (without even knowing who coddah is) questioning the codster's integrity and motivation on a daily basis. And now we read that the other blogs are saying, Mr. Coddah, can't we all just get along?

Let's look at what Coddah has consistently advocated, "There are those of us who favor a charter review and other reforms in local government, but who still appreciate our town officials for the work they do.... It is possible to support a mayor and not think John Klimm is the Anti-Christ, or to think that at-large councilors would be a good thing without slandering the Councilors who often look out for their village, having been elected under a parochial precinct-based system. Many good people in town seek changes, but won't come nearer than a country mile to KOG or Muffy.Barnstable has its problems, but if it is as horrible as the Anti-Barnstable folks make out, I doubt any of them would still be living here.Thanks for providing a respectable forum for the rest of us!"

Well said Coddah. Maybe, just maybe, you have helped the hate blogs to land in a position where we don't go through the next few months of bashing and personal attack, but of reasoned debate and constructive engagement. Has Coddah actually CAUSED the hate blogs to reassess their hate policy of dividing us instead of uniting us? Of pitting one against the other? Of personally and viciously attacking decent people who just happen not to agree with them?

After years of effort, patience may have been deemed a virtue for Coddah and for us.

CODDAH FOR MAYOR. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

We need more Coddah's (or is the plural of Coddah, Coddai). I know that many of us don't get involved in these discussions because of the tenor of the debate. We need more average citizens like Coddah and Belly, to get more involved, but we won't if it going to be a pigfest. Thanks Coddah.

Anonymous said...

Am I missing something here? The problem with the other Blogs is that they lost sight of their original mission of reform. Their end-game quickly became to attack Town Hall and our Council at any cost. Instead of thinking of ways to improve our town, they have spent all of their time filing law suits, writing letters to state officials,federal officials,the Attorney General, the DA, the Sheriff and anyone else who would listen to try to GET the Council or stafff in trouble. What a waste of time on a dumb strategy.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the nice words, but the real issue is getting the community back on track for discussing needed reforms. People need to feel free to disagree with each other in a civil manner.

With the probability of a new Charter Commission being elected in the fall (something I have consistantly supported), we also need to support rational people who are willing to run for those seats, and not allow the crazy Koggers to dominate the group....that would be a recipe for lots of hate-mongering but few yes votes for a new charter.

I have little hope that the Anti-Barnstable blogs have reassessed their tactics, as any previous niceness has been shown to quickly pass, but the rest of us can use forums like this to have rational, reasonable discussions on what we seek in our local government.

Anonymous said...

I think some of these nattering nabobs of negativity should run for Town Council. I would vote for the attack dog and the pajama king in a heartbeat