I cannot believe the low level of discourse on the local Blogs. Bloggers calling public officials "Uncle Toms", bloggers taking great delight in telling "Polish jokes", and thinly veiled attacks on Town employees of color are just unbelievable. I read the latest ranting against Town Council President Janet Joakim which sounds like it is out of the 1950's. You know the "oh I have nothing against Blacks, some of my best friends are Black" type of comments that we heard too often in the 1980's.
Is it to much too ask that we have discussions on these Blogs void of racism, sexism or ethnic slurs? Common guys. knock it off. You're making Barnstable look bad. No, you're making Barnstable look terrible.
What do you think?
You are correct, and that has been my major criticism about the 2 Anti-Barnstable blogs for the past couple of years. Those sites can't just complain about perceived problems (which all of us have a right to do in a democratic society), but they lower themselves to personal attacks, insults, and crude comments...and yes, some of the comments are racist or anti-ethnic.
KOG and Muffy seem unable to grasp that they have created an atmosphere that is the antithesis of reform...few people are willing to run for office because of the rabid attacks they know that they will recieve from these hate-mongers. People sitting in the leadership roles will have nothing to do with these "reformers" because of the vile tactics they use. It seems these people believe that they can force change only through the weight of millions of spiteful words.
There are those of us who favor a charter review and other reforms in local government, but who still appreciate our town officials for the work they do.... It is possible to support a mayor and not think John Klimm is the Anti-Christ, or to think that at-large councilors would be a good thing without slandering the Councilors who often look out for their village, having been elected under a parochial precinct-based system. Many good people in town seek changes, but won't come nearer than a country mile to KOG or Muffy.
Barnstable has its problems, but if it is as horrible as the Anti-Barnstable folks make out, I doubt any of them would still be living here.
Thanks for providing a respectable forum for the rest of us!
they are making Blogging look horrible
I can understand debate and differences of opinion. But why the racial or ethnic slurs? Why the personal attacks? I don't get it BB.
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