Some of Gary Lopez' favorite theories over the past few weeks?
1. The Town of Barnstable bribed the bond rating agencies to get the highest possible bond rating that any community can receive;
2. The Town of Barnstable bribed the National Civic League to get the prestigious All America City Award;
3. The Town of Barnstable took private contributions to pay for said trip and paid the business community back with a uniform tax rate; and
4. the Town went on the America City trip without a budget.
And you wonder why every local media outlet sees Gary as a nut and has concluded that Lopez must be suffering from advanced Alzheimer's disease?
And have you ever seen this guy? He's kind of a cross between Otis Campbell and Professor Irwin Corey.
The difference between the print media and the local blogs is that there is at least some accountability with the newspapers. As far as the hate Blogs are concerned--
It is the Bizarre World of Lopez!
What do you think?
Obviously, BB you sre part of the conspiracy.
Keep up the good work. Just a note: I saw JJ out the other night, and man whatan obnoxious slob. He was at a dining establishment (remaining nameless to protect the integrity of the restaurant) and he started to do a little dance as he got ready to leave-no word of a lie on that. I nearly died of laughter. Sort of a stretch and then a dance of some sort. What a maroon.
The newspapers are shills for the town, nothing more.
Not to Anon:
I should have added a 5th Lopez conspiracy:
5. "The newspapers are shills for the Town, nothing more". Gary Lopez.
The Blogster
BB, The last time Lopez appeared before the Town Council (a long time ago) he was actually drooling when he spoke. Get the net!
My sources say that J has a little problem with the sauce! Was the little jig alcohol induced?
BBlogger, you must hope and prey that Lopez and Julius win (probably a mathematical impossibility) on election day. You will then have two years to make sport of these clowns as they insult every citizen in town.
KingKOG has spent years trying to get everyone around to buy into his conspiracy theories...before his blog, he used to go out and pedal them door to door like a Fuller Brush saleman, and was seen meeting with persons all over town....most of whom politely listened to his nonsense and then ignored him. Unfortunately, even his few decent ideas have the same weakness as his wacky theories....him.
KingKOG has lived half a lifetime in self-applause over the RAGE lawsuit that was lost, yet he consistantly forgets to point out that he drove away many of the supporters of the suit by his consistantly poor behavior. His behavior reminds me of the stories of Hitler in his bunker, railing against all Germans for deserting him.
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