Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Facts are The Facts

A further evaluation of the slate of potential candidates for this year's local elections is interesting.

Those incumbent Councilors who face a challenge (assuming the requirements of candidacy are met) include Henry Farnham and Greg Milne. Each face the potential of one opponent.

Mr. Farnham might face John Brennan, who has been active in West Barnstable Fire District politics, has served on several Town boards and committees and formerly ran for the Town Council.

Mr. Milne might face Ronald Semprini, a local businessman with strong local ties. His dad, Ed Semprini, still writes for the local newspaper but for years was the voice of radio news on Cape Cod.

It is still way to early to call either race, as a spirited campaign is expected in both precincts.

It is interesting to note that Henry Farnham has been, as both Councilor and former Council president, the recipient of regular attacks by the hate blogs. That only one other candidate choosing to run against him previously ran for the seat. This is a telling sign of the lack of influence of the hate Bloggers.

On the other hand, Greg Milne has been the darling of the likes of Gary Lopez and John Julius. That he would appear to also face an opponent, further confirms that belief.

So, after months of effort for the hate bloggers to get candidates to run for the various Town Council seats, Gary Lopez, John Julius and Eric Schwaab came up with ONE candidate for the Town Council. Eric Schwaab.

And he had to become a voter to qualify.

Oh my!


Anonymous said...

BB, No surprises here. This is the typical banter from those who can do nothing but criticize. They never get anything done. Six months of work and they can only get one candidate. No surprises here. And when the residents of Hyannis learn who this Schwaab guy is and what he stands for, they won't support him. By the way, if he was so confident in his bid for Council, why is he also runnign for Charter Commission?


Anonymous said...

I would like to learn more about Mr. Hersey, Mr. Tinsley and Mr. Cox. Anyone know them?


Anonymous said...

BB, I think Hersey is a local Lawyer and, from what I hear, a pretty good guy.

Anonymous said...

Barry is a decent councilor. A challenger was in for Canedy but due to personal reasons had to back off. Yet, there may still be one against her. So smart pants don't count your chickens yet. We're not haters, we'd just like to see good government.

Anonymous said...

Anon- The deadline has passed to take out papers. If no one has taken papers against Canedy, the can't run this year (unless they run a sticker campaign).

Good government according to whom? Julius, Lopez or Schwaab? I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

BB, Schwaab is saying that Munafo's church is Victory Chapel. I happen to know that isn't the case. Can you imagine, Scwaab hasn't been in the race for a week and he is already allowing attacks on his hate blog against his opponents religion? Sounds like a real nice guy!


Anonymous said...

I think Hersey and Munafo are the logical choices for the final election. Schwaab is too new, too weird, too uninformed and too mean-spirited.


Anonymous said...

BB, Lopez and Schwaab are going to have to spend the next three months trying to justify their support for the so-called reformer Tom Dolby.

Anonymous said...

How much more credibility can they lose?

Anonymous said...

None left!

Anonymous said...

BB- Candidates with any association with Julius, Lopez or Schwaab will lose. Mark my words!


Anonymous said...

That must be why Greg Milne told a friend of mine that he NEVER reads the blogs and has no association with them.

Anonymous said...

Papers were pulled by two day one to run against Canedy. The person or persons have until tomorrow to return them with 150 signatures. May or may not happen but rest assured that not everyone in Pct. 1 things Canedy is doing a good job. She panders to the rich.

Anonymous said...

You may be right, but not according to our local paper.

Anonymous said...

BB, Did you hear that Schwaab used Barnstable Kids Day to campaign? Is nothing sacred anymore? The event is supposed to be for the kids.

Anonymous said...

Schwaab is against the citizens ownership of the water supply; is against the town acquisition of the new golf course and is against the reformers who changed our corrupt school department. And I should vote for him because...


Anonymous said...

Because he has been a voter for a least three weeks, for cripes sake!


Anonymous said...

Over 260 visits today, not bad. Thanks to all who stopped by to visit. Your support is appreciated!