You heard it here first. As of 5 p.m. today, the slate of candidates is set (except for Charter Commission) for the 2007 Elections.
The Races to Watch-
The Preliminary Race in Hyannis will pit incumbent James Munafo against local Attorney Michael Hersey and newcomer and hate blogger Eric W. (Who) Schwaab.
The School Committee race pits three incumbents, David Lawler, Patrick Murphy and Peg Dandrich and Tom Dolby, Sean Walsh and Tom McDonald.
The Precinct 13 race pits incumbent Greg Milne against Hyannis native Ron Semprini.
Let the contests begin!
What do you think?
Let the debates begin!
The Hyannis race seems to require the only primary, so we should start discussing the merits of its candidates.
Munafo has a track record, so like him or not, you know how he stands.
Muffy the Stray Dog has become the knower of all things Barnstable in his few weeks as a registered voter, but unfortunately for hime most of his comments only display his ignorance of Barnstable's history and workings. You can bet that he will use his hate site to bash his opponents and praise himself.
I don't know much about Hersey, so am looking for input from the masses.
Let's hope that Muffy chokes on his bitter bone in the primary.
You're right Coddah. But negative campaigning does not work in local races like these. Schwaab will never make it out of the primary, unless he radically transforms himself into something likable. If you think he is going to do that, check out his blog tonight.(Don't worry, we have every single word that he has ever published).
Over 200 visits, at least 85 percent being local. Thanks to all who visit the Blogster.
Congratulations BB. Keep up the good work!
I wonder how many of the 200 are from Hyannis? What say you Schwaab?
BB- Hersey and Munafo derserve to go into the finals. Schwaab has proven to be ill-informed, mean-spirited, arrogant and dishonest. Why would anyone vote for him?
Did anyone check out Julius' rantings tonight? He either needs to go to AA or get back on his meds. What a basket case.
Check out Schwaab's comment to his last post." If elected, I will do everything in my power to stop the politics of hate in this town". Shutting down his blog and retreating to Brighton would be an excllent start. Seriously, for this arch-hatemonger to spew this hypocrisy and have a chance of selling it to uninitiated voters is truly frightening. Apparently he has attended services at a local church in a continuation of his convenient rebranding. This nightmare is all too real. This bum is going to weasle his way into a Council seat unless somebody gets voters to see his truly ugly true colors.
Hi. I recently moved to the 3rd district from Boston with my two teenage sons. Coddah, I can't find any sort of "track record" for this Munafo councilor.
I don't even see his picture on the town website.
I did find something on one of those "hate" blogs you mention that Mr. Munafo is associated with a local cult. Is that true?
Also, can you tell me why you call them "hate" blogs? I was actually expecting to see hate speech or something. All I could find was
another guy running for my district, and some man who seems to know a lot about the history of the town and it's people.
Is this a real site for spirited debate, or some blog intended to slam critics of the town? I guess I'll find out if and/or when this is not posted. I really want to be an informed voter, and would appreciate clairfication on this candidate issue. Peace. Rainbow.
I don't know who Coddah is and obviously don't speak for him/her, but this is a legitimate BLOG with over 200 visitors a day. Calling Mr. Munafo a member of a cult is hate speech found on a hate blog and that is only a small sampling of the personal attacks that smear people every day on the hate blogs. Your personal opinions and perspectives are always welcome here.
What makes a hate blog? A blog whose author hates the community. A blog that uses ethnic slurs, gender slurs and racist slurs. A blog that personally attacks people. Get the idea?
I believe the "cult" Mr. Munafo belongs to is known to everyone else in town as his church, where he practices his Christian faith, along with a thousand or so other people.
Thanks. I was walking on Main Street with my boys Saturday night and saw two fairly large groups of people yelling really loud at each other. One of my sons told me that one group was a cult from Hyannis. A woman at work told me that one of the town councilors is a leader in this group.
I've got to say, I was really shocked by what I saw. It really seemed like a fight was going to break out between the groups. I heard one side yelling about Jesus and the other side yelling curse words back at them. Car alarms were going off and several police officers were obviously going to the area as we walked on.
What is all that about?
Is that a common occurence here?
I was really sort of scared.
The whole scene seemed pretty hateful to me. So are you saying that Mr. Munafo is not part of that cult? I can't imagine anyone
on the town council wanting to be associated with that type of thing. ~R
Dear Anon- It has already been reported that Councilor Munafo is NOT a member of Victory Chapel. To spread this rumor, as the hate blogs have, is mean-spirited and hateful, don't you think?
I'm don't believe I'm being "hateful" when I say that
from what I saw on Main Street Saturday night, I would say that the activities of that church looked more like a "cult" than a Christian church.
My older boy has made friends with a teenage girl who works at a shop next to the restaurant that the "church" people were yelling at. She said that this happens every Saturday night, and that the man who owns the restaurant is always complaining that this demonstration or whatever you call it is an act of "vengance" on him personally by the church, and she said he always talks about some town councilor who is a member. Like I said, I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but if the man representing my district (3rd) is a member of that "church", I will not vote for him. Those people are downright scary, really. ~Rainbow
Anon- What part of "he is not associated with Victory Chapel" do you not understand?
BB, While I don't support Councilor Munafo, I have to laugh at how the hate bloggers keep repeating a lie, even when the now it isn't true. I believe this so-called new resident is a new resident, his name is eric schwaab!
Regarding the hate blogs, I think that if you looked at their history, you would find that they have been filled with derogatory, defamatory and venomous comments about almost every group in councilors, town administrators, civic associations, volunteer boards, firefighters, police, the Brazilian community, the homeless, teachers, residents in certain villages, business owners, the judicial system, state legislators, and so on and so fact, they even turn on themselves when they disagree.
I have found their tactics to be disgusting and disturbing. In addition, they are not bastions of free speech, as those who disagree with them are often barred from posting comments, or face edits to their posts by the blogmasters.
There are many of us in Barnstable who wish to see reforms of local government, but who won't come within a country mile of the so-called Coggers, due to our disgust with their practices.
If "Mr Schwabb" (and I note that he seems to be dropping the 'Muffy' tag to present himself as a civic leader) now wants to pretend to play nice, I would warn you not to be fooled, as he will eventually turn back to his rabid attacks if he doesn't get his way.
The problem with KingKOG's website (other than his vile personal attacks) is that he presents skewed facts and statistics, then claims they are the absolute truth. I have knowledge of many of the "facts" he has presented, and know that he generally presents partial facts, then embellishes them to create a case for his positions. He also presents false history and distorted storytelling to make himself out as the Messiah of Barnstable, and regards the contributions of others as minor supporting roles.
Lopez has convinced a small group of his broadbased conspiracy theories, and these misguided folks seem to be disgruntled and want to blame someone, anyone, for all the problems in our little community.
Barnstable is far from perfect, but there are a lot of good things going on here, and many good people who are trying to do the right thing. A community needs to work together for positive change...not browbeat opponents into submission.
As far as your 'cult' comments, Mr Munafo has said he isn't a member of Victory Chapel, but even if he was, it is a legal church and anyone has the right join it.
Base your decision to vote on him on his electoral a search in the Barnstable Patriot website on him and see how he has voted. I personally have found his foolish use of 'charter objections' to be a hinderance to good government, and some of this other positions as incorrect, but at least he has a record to examine.
All we know about Mr Schwaab's record is that he was appointed to the Hyannis Water Board for a few weeks before he quit in a huff when he didn't get his way, that he had to change his voter registration from Boston to be able to run here, and that he was decided to ally himself with KingKOG, the most devisive person in town. In this case, a friend of the Devil isn't a friend of mine.
Semprini pulled out in 13. What happened to your spirited race? Milne will receive the same walk given to Crocker, Barry, and Canedy.
BB, Word around town is that Milne used some very heavy handed tactics to threaten Semprini. He apparently was told that he would lose his lease if he ran. So much for good government.
It is unbelievable that the Hate Blogs think it is ok that there is no opposition in Milne's precinct. The hypocracy is laughable.
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