For several years, the Hate Blogs, written by two guys named Gary Lopez and Eric Schwaab, viciously attacked numerous people in Town Hall. One of them was Bob Smith, the Town lawyer. They called Bob everything in the book. They questioned his competence, his honesty, his integrity and his morals. They unmercifully attacked him. Bob died a few days ago.
Now Schwaab and Lopez are calling him a good guy. They're saying we should honor his memory. They say we should be sensitive to his wife and kids. They are saying he did some great things for our town. They say Mr. Smith was a wonderful guy. Oh really?
Where was Schwaab and Lopez' sympathy and sensitivity when Bob was alive? Were they thinking about how their mean spirited and hateful attacks were impacting Bob and his family when Bob was alive?
Bob had a lot of friends. Even if we didn't know Bob, we admired him. Almost everyone in Town did.
Except for Eric Schwaab and Gary Lopez.
Hate does come back to haunt the hate blogs.
What do you think?
You're right BB. They were brutal on Bob. It was wrong. The attacks by John Julius and Eric Schwaab, two candidates for office, will not be forgotten.
BB, Eric Shwaab has simply made too many enemies in his short stint in Barnstable. A perfect example is Bob Smith.
You think Julius, our local foaming at the mouth gadfly, has a shot?
Of course not.
Bob Smith was a kind, intelligent being, but thats what scares the vicious hate bloggers; they spew hateful nonsensical attacks towards the people who are really dedicating their lives to the betterment of the town we live in, only to hide the fact that they are trying to win a seat in office which they know little & care nothing about and will fail us all miserably if god forbid they are elected. "WE can do better.....than putting a hate blogger in office."
BTW, this is an excellent blog, glad to find it, just hope BB can get the word out to voters to read this and learn the truth.
Thanks anon. We have a great readership.
Doesn't surprise me in the least that Schwabb is shedding crocodile tears for Bob Smith, a decent and honorable man loved by many - in other words, the antithesis of Schwabb. I find it particularly amusing how Thugsy drones on and on about the need for civility, then resorts to Nazi tactics if anyone challenges his alleged wisdom on any number of things he's woefully ignorant of. The single shabbiest person I have ever encountered, bar none.
There some kind of cover up going on at the Patriot site. Why are comments being deleted there? There was something about a neighborhood controversy and it suddenly gets pulled. Why can't we know about it? Who is hiding what?
Jack Coleman said...
An example of classic Schwabb - before Thugsy was booted from, he wrote this in a comment on Oct. 27, 2005 - "G. Gordon Kenny, why don't you take over as moderator of I'm happy to give you the keys. With any luck, you'll drive yourself into a brick wall at full speed." Ah, that vaunted Schwabbesque civility!
By the way, Thugsy - I printed out a copy.
Ever notice how Thugsy is oddly vague about where he has worked in the past, but then quite specific in naming organizations where he's been a, ah, "volunteer"?
Why is that I wonder?
October 11, 2007 7:17 PM
All very interesting questions.
Many have wondered the same.
How about this one?
Why does he take the residential exemption in the city, whilst claiming to be a resident here? Is he planning ahead for when he loses?
Cape Cod Leaving?
That nugget has been traveling via email today and is easy to investigate.
Signed, I disagree with Schwaab so I must be a councilor.
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