Every Election season over the past few years has included what is known as the Gary Lopez list of losers. They are the blessed few endorsed by Centerville Nut Gary Lopez. So who made the fatal list this year?
Town Council Candidates
Eric Schwaab
Jason Cox
John Brennan
Tax Collector Candidate
Maureen Niemi
School Committee Candidates
Peg Dandridge
Tom Dolby
Charter Commission Candidates
Oliver Cipollini
John Julius
Bradley Ouimette
Taryn Thoman
William Cronin
So, as before, we pass the word to all in Barnstable.
What do you think?
add Tinsley to this list. Cox is bad news.
Candidates for School Committee we endorse.
Tom McDonald
David Lawler
Patrick Murphy
Ballot Question 1
Ballot question 1 seeks to change the elected town collector's position to an appointed position by the towns administration.
It is our position that the Tax Collector should be appointed.
VOTE yes on Question 1
Ballot Question 2
Ballot question 2 is a nonbinding vote. The Council Review Committee was formed by the sitting Barnstable Town Council. The committee recommended a 9 member council with 5 district members and 4 at large members instead of the current 13. This would require combining existing districts.
Nonbinding votes have a way of becoming binding. We strongly support the current composition of the Town Council pending the full reccommendations of a charter review commitee. A 9 member council with 5 district members and 4 at large members offers voters the opportunity to vote for more than 50 percent of the council. Increased voter impact could come at the cost of decreased village representation coupled with the likely-hood that at large elections will significantly change the Town Council election process. Let's hear the full reccommendation of a charter review committee.
VOTE NO on Question 2
Ballot Question 3
Ballot question 3 seeks to create a nine member charter commission.
We support a review of our charter. The quality of the review committee's reccommendation is dependent on the people on the committee. The reccommendation must be approved in it's entirety by the voters. It's all or nothing. We have endorsed candidates we feel will be most likely to produce reccommedations to our charter that will be acceptable to the voters and be adopted.
VOTE Yes on Question 3
Charter Commission Candidates to Vote For. You will have 9 votes. Pick from this list.
Lucien Poyant
Royden Richardson
Robert Jones
Richard Clark
Susan Rohrbach
William Elkins
Deborah Shiflett-Fitton
Dennis Gyre
Allen Goddard
Marcy Dugas
Charles Hegarty
And no others
I would ask that you reconsider your position on Maureen. She can do the job a lot better than Gary.
She alone can stand on the merits of her tenure as the assistant tax collector - she at least knows what she is doing and she is the least political person you could ask for.
I'm certain she did not ask for or want the support of Lopez and it should not be held against her.
If you want to vote on merit - consider these two candidates and what they have said they would do if elected. That alone should tell you how to vote.
Please don't sacrifice an important town function to an amateur just because of Lopez.
"Please don't sacrifice an important town function to an amateur just because of Lopez."
A valid point. Especially for the Charter Commissioners.
I am in that list because I want a Mayor.
I did not ask for any endorsement from anyone. I am my own man and have my own mind. I stand for what I fell is right for Barnstable!
As your next Charter Commissioner, I encourage maximum voter participation in Barnstable's government.
I am against term limits and costly preliminary elections.
An elected mayor and an at-large council will afford voters the accountable representation in town hall that is needed.
While my sentiment is strong for an elected executive branch, I am not adverse to new ideas.
I am not adverse to ideas from century-old city charters from other municipalities if they work.
The Charter composition anew with the earnest of our forefathers and the reality of today's rapidly changing and demanding world will be a serious challenge.
I am Oliver Cipollini, the third listed Charter Commission on the ballot, but first to care about everything Barnstable.
Oliver P. Cipollini, Jr.
Charter Candidate for Change
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