Friday, June 22, 2007

The Status of Public Comment

I love Public Comment at the Town Council meetings. I am glad we have it. And I am glad the town has public hearings on agenda items so that any citizen can offer testimony, advice and commentary. That is good stuff. The other night I learned much about alternative energy plans, elderly housing and pollution in our largest lake. The public comment on these items during the hearings was terrific.

But that wasn't the case with the general Public Comment.

The general public comment portion was a joke. First of all, a guy gets up and criticizes the town for the condition of the sidewalks on Route 6A. A very valid complaint, except for the fact that Rt. 6A is a State road, not a town road.

Next we had some guy criticizing the town for not being Hollywood East. Ya, right!

Then we hear from a homeless guy who justifiably complained about getting kicked out of the Hyannis Library. Except that Hyannis Library is a PRIVATE organization, not a town agency.

And last but not least, we have a guy named John Julius. He is a guy who the hate blogs wind up and send in every meeting to criticize the town. Doesn't matter what the topic, he criticizes. He calls himself a spokesman of and for the people. But we never get to figure out what people. If we didn't know differently, we would think that he was getting paid to appear at every meeting by someone/some group with an ax to grind with the town. Except the BarnstableBlogster doesn't know any town antagonist that would want to be associated with this guy.

Julius is a self-appointed, self anointed demagogue who smacks of arrogance, self righteousness and self importance. He knows it all, this guy. If you doubt it, just ask him.

Except for one thing. He hasn't figured out that anyone watching the Council meetings regularly has long since figured him out. Any amateur counselor (not Councilor) would have a field day analyzing his look, his demeanor, his body language and his smugness. His mean-spirited, demeaning and antagonistic persona is so offensive that even if he had something meaningful to say, it would be lost in a sea of arrogance. And if you ever caught his diatribes on the hate blogs, which he must spend most of every day on, you might think of the word, CERTIFIABLE!

And now we just received a note from a loyal Barnstableblog visitor that he is going to run for a public office. Surprise, Surprise. A real live candidate for public office. Well stay tuned ladies and gentlemen.

We'll have much more on this guy soon. A candidate for office.

Oh My!


Anonymous said...

Hey BB, What do they say about "those who live by the sword"?

Anonymous said...

Why does the Council allow public comment on items that are not related to what is on the agenda? Why do they allow public comment on issues not related to the town? Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

It looks like the general public comment is a few people who like to see themselves on TV.

Anonymous said...

BB, the answer shouldn't be to end general comment, but to encourage interested individuals to do their homework before appearing. Did the person complaining about the library or the sidewalk on Route 6A take a few minutes to call town hall to inquire prior to going to the council? If your goal is to offer constructive comments and not just get face time on TV, a few minutes of homework could have been helpful.


Anonymous said...

One couldn't find a better reason to seek out quality candidates than having the JESTER as a Charter Comm candidate. If this FOOL and his ilk get elected, we can kiss any hope of positive reforms goodbye.

While it is easy to beat up on the JESTER, it is more valuable to discuss good candidates.

I see that Luke Poyant has pulled is someone to get behind! If you remember the last CC, Luke was the chairman, and was one of the people who wanted to see a mayor and at-large council. He is well known in the town as someone who cares, is a retired teacher, and would do a great job if elected again.

Support real candidates like Luke Poyant!

Anonymous said...


I wonder how many of these guys would stand up to the scutiny that they put others under?


Anonymous said...

Good point Sarge. But I think Coddah is right. WE need to focus on getting quality candidates to run.


Anonymous said...

I for one, cannot wait until John Julius runs for public office. I will campaign 2 times as hard for whoever runs against him, even if it is Satan himself.

Anonymous said...

Now come'on Anon. Satan would be alot worse than Julius. And besides, I would love to have Julius as a public official. Let the good times roll! I bet you know what I mean, don't you Johnny?


Anonymous said...

BB, I can't wait. I will call him on his first day on the job and say, "don't you know who you work for"? We'll see how sincere and friendly he is to his constituents. Of course, he has to win first, and that will never happen, but I hope it does.


Anonymous said...

Live by the sword, die by the sword!

Anonymous said...

As we attempt to get back on the track of electing qualified persons, here is the list of persons pulling Charter Commission papers according to Patriot:
* Dennis Guyre, Cotuit
* Bill Elkins, Centerville
* Taryn Thomon, Marstons Mills
* John Alden, Hyannis
* William Cronin, Hyannis
* Lou Gonzaga, Hyannis
* Richard Clark, Barnstable Village
* Lucien Poyant, West Hyannisport

As I stated earlier, it is good to see Luke Poyant on the list, and he would be a strong addition.

Richard Clark, a former town council president, would bring knowledge about how things work at town hall.

Lou Gonzaga is probably best known as one of the gadflies circling the mike during public comment at the Council meetings, and is chummy with the KOG crazies, which sets off my warning bells.

Taryn Tomon I only know from her recent escapades with the No Place for Hate group, during which she made some positive points, but was also too quick to use name calling and blogging with King KOG as a way to slam people she disagreed with.

John Alden ran for Council against Tobey last time, and has been a regular at TC meetings, but often sits with the crazies...should this be a concern?

How about the rest? Let the debates begin!

The Coddah

Anonymous said...

I have been looking for John Julius' papers around town. I want to sign them and I wnat to get 50 signatures for him. I can't wait until he is a public official, as a candidate for office. He'll never win, but the campaign will be a blast.


Anonymous said...

Hey Bblogger, Did you notice that the KapeKog is undertaking an audit of all pennies spent on the All America City trip to attempt to uncover some (any) controversy? The private sector paid for the trip and now Lopez is saying that the taxpayer should have paid. (of course, if the taxpayer paid, he would be screaming that the private sector should have paid). These guys are pathetic. Lopez and Julius only know how to hate. What a terrible existance. The All America City Award was a terrific victory for the town. Loopy and Johnny Boy have to get over it!


Anonymous said...

Sarge- My Uncle in Arizona send me an article in his local paper about Barnstable's win. We are now getting national press. It was an excellent article.

Anonymous said...

Now BostonBugsy is trying to get into the discussion. You notice he doesn't even try to defend Julius. Eric should think about running for Charter Commission. But, of course, he would have to first become a Cape resident. Brighton is not a village of Barnstable last time I checked. Muffy is such a loser. When he was a kid, his mother had to pay kids to play with him.

Anonymous said...

BB- If Julius is running, why hasn't the press reported it. Bring it on! Everything will be fair game. Turnaround is fair play. He will receive at least as good as he has given for two years.
