Saturday, November 3, 2007

The Long Awaited BarnstableBlog Endorsements

Ok. Ok. Ok.

Hundreds of you have been complaining that the BarnstableBlogster has not made endorsements yet.

With election day right around the corner, here it goes.

For Town Council Races.

Precinct 9

The Blogster has studied this race and the nod goes to JAMES TINSLEY.


Both candidates are political newcomers and both bring enthusiasm and sincere commitment to the race. But after watching the Hyannis Civic Association debate, it is clear that Tinsley brings a higher level of maturity and level-headedness to the race. While this call is relatively close, in the 9th, it's James Tinsley.

Precinct 3

The Council race in the 3d Precinct probably will go down as the most mean-spirited and negative race in the Town's history. For this and other reasons, the Blogster knows that there is only one choice: JAMES MUNAFO.


The reason for the negativity is simple. Eric Schwaab. Schwaab recently moved into Town and just registered to vote. Many still believe that he lives in Brighton.

But Schwaab, working through his Hate Blog, has slashed and burned everything in the Town of Barnstable. He spent two years trying to convince Barnstable residents that things in Town are terrible. Then he offered himself up as the solution.

He has attacked every Town official, every Town employee and every Town volunteer. He has attacked every town initiative no matter what it was.

What a way to win a race. The Schwaab campaign represents the very worst in us. When he loses on Tuesday, Schwaab should spend months thinking about the tragedy that was his campaign. In the end, you can't criticize those around Schwaab, like John Julius, Gary Lopez, and others. The responsibility for the Schwaab campaign's kamikaze strategy is the responsibility of Eric Schwaab. Shame on you!

The campaign has truly gone bizarre in the last few weeks. Posts by Schwaab on his Hate Blog represent a strange and odd way to want to win a race. Just a sampling of Schwaab's rantings:

"I want you all to know something up front.Today, this one car drove by 3 or 4 times. Two creeps were driving. I could tell that they worked for Munafo and just wanted to steal my signs as soon as I left.They drove by three times and flipped me the bird. I want you to know that when my wife joins me on Saturday, I'm bringing a pile of rocks. If these fu---rs drive by and flip my wife the bird, I'm going to knock out their front teeth. I'm don't fucking around with this one. If Munafo's goons go after my wife they are toast."

Is this the guy you want as your Town Councillor?

In Precinct 3, there is only one choice: JAMES MUNAFO.

Precinct 11

In the Precinct 11 race, the nod goes to Henry Farnham.


The Blogster gives the endorsement to Farnham for two reasons. First, Henry "Hank" Farnham has worked hard for his precinct. He goes to meetings, he listens, he learns. He is knowledgeable about Town affairs and has earned the support of the residents. Secondly, this is really a non-race. John Brennan has yet to mount a race. The only reason Brennan is a candidate must be so that Farnham didn't go unopposed. Nice concept. But it doesn't add up to an endorsement.

In the 11th Precinct, it's Henry Farnham.


Anonymous said...

Great Choices, BB.

Anonymous said...

Good picks.
Mugsy and his COG friends have ruined the whole charter commission quest.
Who can trust any of them now?
Erick is whinning like a little girl on his own blog.

Anonymous said...

This has been the meanest, most vile campaign season in Barnstable's history. The hate blogs have done everything but claim their opponents have Al Queda ties. Candidates have withdrawn from races because of the climate of hate, and we will never know how many good citizens declined to run for a seat in the various positions to be elected because of their disgust with blogs.

I have been a supporter of reform in town for a long time, but the hate bloggers and their supporters have gone too far.

I will vote against Question 3 only because of my disgust with KingKOG, Muffy, the JESTER and the rest of their tribe, and will only vote for candidates NOT ENDORSED by the hate blogs, or who have refused to accept their endorsement. I hope that other folks out there do the same.

If we allow people to run dirty campaigns such as we have just experienced and then get elected, the people of Barnstable will truly deserve the perverse government that they will get. If you truly support reform, start by requiring honest candidates who run clean campaigns.

NO to John Julius
NO to Eric Swaab
NO to Tom Dolby
NO to Taryn Thomas
NO to Brad Ouimette
NO to Peter Doirin

Anonymous said...

You are small, mean people. Peter Doiron has not run a dirty campaign. He's an honorable man who happens to believe the people come before the elected leaders. He's been vilified by you all. You should be ashamed. Are you afraid of his leadership qualities?

I know you won't let this be published. You are too mean for that and you call the bloggers haters. Gall, pure gall.

Anonymous said...


Once again you say something without supporting it. You say that this current campaign has "been the meanest, most vile ... in Barnstable's history."
Then you proceed to name six candidates who supposedly stand for or sponsor hate. Prove your allegations. Until you do so you will remain, as always, a person who doesn't the difference between pizza and pus, but you do know a lot about pus.

Anonymous said...

How about school committee?

Today Lopez talks about how great Tom Dolby is. He uses Sturgis Charter School as an example of how bad Barnstable High School is and clearly states that only Dolby can move the district in the direction of Sturgis.

Unfortunately anyone involved with the schools can tell you that Tom Dolby spent years trying to close Sturgis down. He hates charter schools. He is the enemy of the education reform act of 1993 and said it many times while he was on the school committee in the past.

Lopez also tries to link Dolby with Peg Dandridge and Deb Dagwan. Neither woman has met or talked to either Lopez or Dolby. Neither will support Dolby if he should be elected.

Anonymous said...


The voters have spoken,
and the COGGERS are chokin',
charter reforms can be studied,
without reputations being muddied,
as folks have fair debates,
instead of dealing with hate...

So as KingKOG retreats without class, I say don't let the blog hit you in the ass.