I just got my weekly edition of the Barnstable Patriot. I have been doing that for many years. I used to buy it at the store. Now I get it delivered right to my doorstep. Now that's progress for you.
But is it the same Barnstable Patriot? The Barnstable Patriot is a important part of the history of Barnstable. If you want to find out about an event which happened a hundred years ago, chances are you can find it in the Patriot's Early Files. They still have writers like Ed Semprini, an institution in Barnstable, first behind the mike as a newscaster and now a columnist. Anyone who has spent more than a couple of decades in Barnstable knows Ed. As a journalist and as a person, God never made 'um any better.
But several years ago the independently owned Barnstable Patriot, our Barnstable Patriot, was sold to the parent company of the Cape Cod Times. It was like taking a body blow to the solar plexis. How could our local paper be sold to an out of State corporation? We heard the proclamation, don't worry, the paper won't change.
With consolidations and buyouts, we have lost independent newspaper after newspaper in Barnstable. Frank Falacci's Cape Cod News, Dana Hornig's Register and Carlton Crocker's Village Advertiser are all gone now. The Barnstable Patriot was the last holdout for the indenpendents. (Although the Cape Cod Voice is a great Cape Cod newspaper). They used to say, Barbara Williams will never sell. Won't happen. It did.
So what does it mean? So far, the paper seems to have kept its local flair. Its local coverage. Its local commitment. But what happens when the former owner departs? Or the Editor? Can we citizens due anything to keep our local newspaper? Why not write to the BarnstableBlog with your ideas on how to save our newspaper, the Barnstable Patriot. It is a great institution that is worth saving.
I am glad to see a new blog in town. I hope it becomes a place for substantive discussion of local issues. Frankly, I also hope its presence will cause the current blogs to clean up their acts. Whatever value they may have is now negated by lax administration and impulsive stupidity on the part of some commenters. I also hope this blog doesn't spend its time wallowing in events which happened years ago and can't be helped now. Good luck.
Thanks Anon. Please pass the word that we're here and come back often!
BarnstableBlog....just found out about your site.
Thanks for providing a new site for discussion about Barnstable...it's badly needed. I hope that this can become a place of RATIONAL discussion, not the ranting that permeates certain other blogs about our town.
I, like you, miss the days of multiple media coverage on local affairs. The CC Times has all but disappeared on local news coverage, unless it deals with some tragedy, and seems to constantly eliminate reporters in an effort to increase the bottom line. The few reporters left are juggling multiple balls and miss most of the routine things that occur in our commumity. Even when you send the CCT a notice on a local event, they usually decline to publish the information.
The Patriot has been the one remaining paper that allows us to see what is going in in Barnstable. While I hope that the new owners won't reign in their coverage, I fear that once again the almighty dollar will become the final arbiter of what happens to its news.
Good luck to BarnstableBlog...Coddah
Graphically this blog is identical to the Schwaab site. I assume this is a function of using the same "blogspot" service. This makes the absence of negativity even more noticeable. I'd hate to think he had started an alternative "vanilla" site. Residual paranoia I guess.
Hi Coddah, Thanks for visiting the site. Just as we need competition in the print media, we also need alternatives to the local blogs. I hope you visit often.
Hi anon, Have no fear, this blog is not afiliated with any other. The format is a standard format that is provided to us. I don't know if the other blogs are able to produce a vanilla version. It isn't in the genes.
I can tell by your content, you have a knowledge of the lay of the land in regards to local reporting. I laud you in your effort to bring a sensible voice to the table.
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