I received a note today from a guy who calls himself "Bugsy". He gave me the terrible news that, "I've removed the link to your blog. I really do not wish to be associated with folks like you. Best of luck with your faux blog."
How disappointing! I must have received all of 2 referrals from his blog. I don't know what I'll do without his support. I suspect that I am receiving more visits after one week than Mr. Bugsy gets after years of blogging.
As I said before, I don't like bullies. I don't like people who attack others for sport. Mr. Bugsy thrives on it. We're different animals. So be it.
I wish Mr. Bugsy well with his bullying, and personal attacks, and innuendo and negativity. It worked for Imus and it has worked for others. It's not me. I want to continue to write about life in Barnstable.. I guess I will just have to do it without Mr. Bugsy. Oh, the pain, the pain!
BB,do you see what we have been dealing with? These guys are not grounded in reality. Stay the course. I loved your take on the Barnstable Patriot.
BB, Can you imagine the arrogance of this guy calling BarnstableBlog a faux blog. It is a self-centered and egotistical comment. He must be a legend in his own mind!
BB, I agree with you that you should be able to have a sensible, intelligent blog with out smearing others. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying you can’t call people on things you think they should be called on, but it can be done in a way that doesn't come across as looking like it's taking place on the playground. Bugsy and those like him are like dogs chasing their tails, they start and they can't stop. I often suspect they create the hysteria themselves with multiple sites. I support you in whatever topic you feel like talking about. I have recently started my own blog Belly up to the Sandbar found @ http://lowtideintheharbor.blogspot.com/
I was born in Barnstable and lived here well over a half century, so I have an idea who the players and the topics are. Sometimes I’ll write something about Barnstable and the craziness that is part of the place. Sometimes I’m going to chime in on events off the peninsula. Sometimes I feel like waxing poetic, who cares, I think that’s what blogs are for. Don't let the berating cyber bullies distract you. Do your own thing and people will read and enjoy or go find some place else as you suggest. I agree with you about Carr’s book. There are a couple of spin-offs by some of Whitey’s capos that are similar and also a quick fascinating read. Thanks for the chance to rant, but not to incite. Signed: Belly up to the Sandbar
A minimum requirement for anyone running a blog on Barnstable politics would seem to be registration as a Barnstable voter. Do we know if all the local bloggers meet this minimal benchmark?
Hi Belly.U.T.T.B-
Thanks for your comments. I visited and enjoyed your blog. Thanks for the advice!
Hi Anon- Thanks for your post. The beauty of blogging is that anyone can contribute, even if they live off-cape and don't vote here,like some bloggers we know.
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