Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Problem with Bullies

A reader sent me a copy of a local blog which made me laugh. I haven't been up and running a week and the Bullies are already at it.

Their post stated that the BarnstableBlog is a ripoff of the local blog in question (I guess they are talking about the one and only BarnstableBlogger, i.e. me). They state that I am attempting to cut into their readership by using an identical layout to their site? The post goes on to state that I am supposed to be focused on "a realistic look at life and politics in Barnstable," asking why the hell do the people running the site (I guess that's me again) have something up on Virginia Tech? Makes no sense at all, concludes the bully. (I guess the thoughtful writer didn't take the time to read the last portion of my blog which asked whether this could happen in Barnstable or Cape Cod).

Several points are in order:

1. I didn't think I had to ask anyone what I ,or you, can write or not write.

2. My strategy is not to cut into their or other local Blogs small readership. I would rather create my own readership. I have read three other local blogs (one of which, Cape Cod Today, is a quality Blog) and to be honest, I don't want the type of viciousness that others promote. And

3. The layout used is a standard layout provided by Google, not designed by anyone locally.

The Blogster concludes by saying that my new presence is a good thing since the "moonbeams" (I guess that's you) will now have a place to go. How thoughtful and poignant. These Bullies are as predictable as they are vicious.

You have to laugh. These guys just can't help themselves. They are in constant and permanent attack mode. They are sort of like pit bulls, although even pit bulls can be nice now and then.

Can you imagine having to put up with these guys for more than 2 seconds a day?

The problem with bullies is that they don't see themselves as others do. They couldn't. Or they wouldn't act the way the do. We know that no one likes bullies. Why would you want to be despised?

And the characteristics that experts point to are that bullies have greater than average aggressive behavior patterns and they have no sense of remorse for hurting/affecting other people. (see previous post). Sound like anyone you know?

Bullies. You can pick 'um out of the crowd. We all know them. And none of us like them. Is there a generational thing going on here? Are these bullies the sons of bullies? Are they victims? Who knows.

Are these guys bullies? As the old saying goes, if it looks like duck and quacks like a duck....


Anonymous said...

Hi again BB,

Again, you are shown to be the sole voice of reason amongst the Barnstable blogs. You mentioned the CC Today blogsite as an alternative, and I have generally found it to be a place of reasonable discussion...of course, Lopez was kicked off that site for his vile tactics. And the "Muffy the Dog" site had some initial prospects way back when, but devolved to become a watered-down KOG over time.

Those bloggers claim to welcome all comers, then block or edit those who disagree with them. The KOG group runs like a Soviet can vote for any candidate, as long as you make their choice or the KGB shows up at your door. Lopez often sounds like Momma in the movie "The Waterboy"....everyone is "the Devil!"

Don't give in to the internet bullies, and keep up the good work. We need an objective site to have real discussions. Some of us favor real reforms without the hate.

Anonymous said...

It will be interesting to monitor the activities on the existing local blogs. There seems to be a dip in the frequency of new posts, as well as the number of responses. Their most prolific contributor may be temporarily sidetracked. He accounts for a significant amount of repetitious commentary.

Anonymous said...

Dear BB-

I have stopped visiting the other local sites. They are boring, negative and unproductive. I like this blog so far. It is clear people want a better Blog than what is out there.

Good Luck!