Monday, April 16, 2007

Springtime on Cape Cod

Our local Chambers of Commerce like to proclaim the virtues of a "Cape Cod Springtime". They say you can play golf, take a walk on the beach, beat the crowds and enjoy the wonders of Spring.

What Spring?

We don't have a Spring season. We have Winter from November through May. And we have a Summer season from June through August. And then we have a brief Fall from Labor Day through October. That's it folks!

Say what you will about the four seasons of Cape Cod. I only count three. And since Fall is so short, we only really have two. Do you think we could sue the Chamber for false advertising? No, probably not. We'll just have to put up with the cold, the rain, the wind, the sleet and yes, sometimes the snow of a Cape Cod Springtime. Don't worry. Summer is right around the corner!

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