Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Problem With Schwaab

Congratulations to all Premary Election candidates, winners and losers alike, for their commitment to our Town.

Now the real work begins. In the 3d Precinct, James Munafo will face Eric Schwaab. Schwaab, a newcomer who is sponsored by the hate blogs, says we can do better. He is right about the fact that Barnstable should always work to do better. But his cheap campaign slogan seems more than a tad bit opportunistic. So what are Schwaab's campaign issues? He says he has three.

1. He favors the residential exemption, or a tax break for full time residents, at the expense of second home owners. Munafo apparently doesn't. But wait. Munafo doesn't want a tax increase for anyone. Schwaab favors a tax increase for second homeowners. Precinct Three residents should be leery that if he supports a tax increase for second homeowners today, who will be next? Do you want a candidate who does not believe in tax increases for anyone, or do you want a candidate who SUPPORTS tax increases for one group today, another tomorrow.

2. Schwaab is for eliminating the School Committee's bus fees. But wait a minute. Munafo is against the fees too. So the difference is?

3. Schwaab says he wants to replace the water pipes in Hyannis because some contain asbestos. But wait a minute. Isn't Munafo for improving the infrastructure too? Schwaab shamelessly wants you to believe that there is asbestos in our water. Sounds like a scare tactic to me.

So what is the problem with Schwaab? He is too gimmicky. He has no local experience and has just became a voter. He has proven that he can't and won't work with anyone to build consensus. In short, he will not get anything done.

He also has much to answer for in running a mean spirited hate blog for two years.

And we can't figure out what he really does for a living. All he has done, over the past six months according to his own testimony, is campaign. If that is true, he is either independently wealthy or unemployed.

In addition, he has brutally attacked good and kind residents who had the decency to run for office, like Michael Hersey. He has attacked residents like Deb Krau and Allan Goddard on the Hyannis Water Board. Unlike Schwaab, they choose to do more than complain by volunteering.

Schwaab has attacked and aliented Hyannis and/or Barnstable residents like Representative Demetrius Atsalis, Senator Rob O'Leary, Town Manager John Klimm, Water Board Chairman Deb Krau, the members of the Hyannis Chamber of Commerce, the Business Improvement District, Main Street merchants, Hyannis Golf Club golfers, to name but a few.

And now his last minute attempt to suck up to residents just won't work. Our residents are not that dumb.

That is the problem with Eric Schwaab. He is arrogant, he is mean-sprited and he thinks we are all dumb. So maybe we are too dumb. Too dumb to vote for you Eric.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Hey BB, If you don't think that you are well read, check out Schwaab's blog. He is already responding.

Anonymous said...


I'm hoping that over the next few weeks we can have some enlightened discussions on election topics, and get away from the personalities.

Muffy has made his dog bed and now he has to lie in it. I doubt anyone reading this site is fooled by his new act. Let's just say that voters should pick Munafo as the lesser of 2 evils...

The Charter Commission races are a worthy topic of discussion. Do voters feel confident that 9 quality people will be elected, or will they vote NO because some of the fools seeking election turn their stomachs.

I not sure what to do yet, but if good candidates won't be elected, I would rather vote NO than give the JESTER and his fools a forum.

Other candidates offer some interesting choices, and there are some truly sincere and reform-minded candidates. Since the Patriot has announced they won't be making endorsements for CC, people are looking for candidate info.

What about Councilor Milne running for 2 seats? As this might lead to a legal challenge if he gets in (think how mad the 10th place candidate will be), and it seems to be a major conflict of interest to be determining the fate of the council while you are sitting on it, should anyone vote for him for CC?

The School Committee race is also heating up, as KingCOG has been presenting regular misinformation in an attempt to smear the good folks running for reelection and Mr McDonald. For him to call Dolby a reformer is like calling Colonel Sanders a health food guru.

Here are some questions concerning KingKOG's "reform" candidate:
Didn't he lead the school committee when it ran up million $$$ deficits in consecutive years and needed a bailout?
Didn't his group make sure the deficit didn't become public until after an override vote to finance school building cost overruns?
Didn't he fire an incompentent superintendent shortly after leading a nationwide search to find him? The same with a high school principal?
Didn't the 'good' old school committees hire a business manager who was caught stealing school money and who was criminally charged?

After all his bombast, this is KingKOG's idea of a reformer???

Anonymous said...

BB, A Bombshell is coming regarding Schwaab. Hold onto your seat folks!

Anonymous said...

BB- The attacks on Bob Smith over the past two years by Schwaab has been pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Excellent Post!

The truth is painful.

This guy is a FAKE.

Anonymous said...

Scwhaab had a pretty detailed and viceral response to this post, but it is gone. He removed it!

Did I hear right that he called and threatened one of those he thought wrote this and the police had to get involved? Is that why he removed it?

He had responded with so much of the hate and the kind of language that turns people off.

Interesting that his true temper showed for a day or so then was removed.

People need to know who this guy really is. Too bad he removed the post that showed his true colors.

It also seems that these guys can dish it out, but can't take it.

Anonymous said...

Where is this bombshell previously promised?

Anonymous said...

Coming soon, my son.


Anonymous said...

There are stories circulating about questionable phone calls from a precinct 3 candidate to a furniture store in Bourne. Any details?

Anonymous said...

The BB is not in posession of that story. Yet.

Anonymous said...

The Patriot has a story on page two about alleged harassing calls made to a local businessman by a council candidate.

Anonymous said...

Scwhaab wrote a pretty nasty response to your post on his site and removed it. It has been found on the Internet archives if you want to see it.

an angry man, indeed

Anonymous said...

These are some of the responses Schwaab gave to your post on his hate blog. I am not including the statements that might be considered libel. There was some pretty nasty stuff not fit for reprinting.

From the Eric Scwhaab hate blog:

Hersey and I have made our peace. Allan Goddard and I made peace at the Hyannis Civic Association Picnic. Hank, you'd know that, if you lived in Hyannis. I'm still working on Deb. (Krau) She'll come around.

(is that why he wrote a post trashing her and the water commission?)

Atsalis is the cousin on Janet Joakim. Joakim has relentlessly attacked this campaign to preserve her own privileges on Town Council. I have feelers out to Demetrius. We're on the same side. If we could sit down and talk, he'd realize that.

I've never meet O'Leary and never wrote about him. Just yesterday I proposed that John Klimm be our new mayor. I already mentioned Deb above, I'm buying a table for the HACC 25th gala, the BID sucks, some of my best friends are Main Street merchants, and I don't play golf. I fish. Did someone accuse me of insulting fish?

(The individual tickets to that gala are too expensive for those of us who actually live in the third precint. Where does Schwaab get the money to buy a table?)

I don't think it was a wise choice to election Mr. Munafo. I've heard some very strange things about this guy. I know we can do better. We could run one of Skip Simpson's giant pumpkins and do better than Muanfo.

(We have all heard some very strange things about Schwaab, and there is more to come. We don't think it would be a wise choice to "election" Mr. Schwaab!)

Anonymous said...

An example of classic Schwabb - before Thugsy was booted from, he wrote this in a comment on Oct. 27, 2005 - "G. Gordon Kenny, why don't you take over as moderator of I'm happy to give you the keys. With any luck, you'll drive yourself into a brick wall at full speed." Ah, that vaunted Schwabbesque civility!

By the way, Thugsy - I printed out a copy.

Ever notice how Thugsy is oddly vague about where he has worked in the past, but then quite specific in naming organizations where he's been a, ah, "volunteer"?

Why is that I wonder?