Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Truth About Eric Schwaab

The truth about Eric Schwaab is that he apparently can't tell the truth.

Why would Barnstable residents support a candidate who can't tell the truth? In the end, that is what the Precinct Three Town Council election is all about.

The foundation of the Schwaab run for Town Council is that the incumbent, James Munafo, has been unresponsive to resident concerns. Schwaab say Munafo didn't return the phone calls of his constituents. If true, it is a legitimate claim.

Schwaab said at a recent debate that THE reason why he chose to run was that Munafo did not and would not return his repeated phone calls.

As I said, a pretty legitimate claim, if true.

But when Mr. Munafo reminded Schwaab that Schwaab never called or contacted Mr. Munafo, Schwaab did not refute the charge.

So we have a campaign founded on a lie.

Why would someone/anyone do that?

For all the legitimate reasons one might use to justify a decision to enter a political race, why choose a lie?

And what other claims used by Schwaab are untrue? That asbestos lined pipes cause cancer? That Councilors implemented the bus fees? That Munafo is in favor of raising taxes?

In the end, this race does come down to one issue. Honesty. Or the lack of it.

Here is a guy who just became a resident and registered voter in Barnstable. What do we really know about him?

We know he has tons of time to campaign. We knowhe says he is employed. We know he is affiliated with the likes of John Julius, Gary Lopez and Lou Gonzaga.

But what else do we know?

Other than the fact that he has a tough time with the truth?

Don't we deserve better than that?

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Read another story about Eric Schwaab and Gary Lopez over on barnstablebeat

Anonymous said...

There are charter candidates worth voting for in addition to Richardson and Rohrbach. Check the list posted in the previous comments and also posted at Citizens for . Even if you choose to vote no on 3, take the time to vote for the best charter candidates.

Anonymous said...

Julius just posted his endorsements on COG. It is the Lopez-Schwaab list with a few unlucky additions. Do you trust the judgment of any of these guys?

Anonymous said...

Did you see that comment by Hersey? All schwabb could do was call him some names.

Anonymous said...

BB, The clock ran out on Schwaab. Residents are now asking all kinds of questions. You flushed him out.

Dedicated Precinct3 Voter said...

Great post BB!

We do have questions, and Mr. Schwaab is not answering.

Check out my site - - to see a video that I put together a week ago that goes perfectly with this post. See my post from October 21.

Anonymous said...

The campaign finance reports are coming in. Take a microscope to them.