Friday, October 26, 2007

The Beginning of the End For Schwaab

The Barnstable Patriot formally endorsed James Munafo for Precinct Three Town Council race.

No surprises there.


Because Eric Schwaab is a self-serving, arrogant, shameless newcomer who knows better than anyone what is right and wrong with this town. If you doubt it, just ask him.

So what did the Patriot say about this race?

Munafo for Town Council

"Jim Munafo has been known to frustrate his colleagues. He’s an adherent to the charter, a stickler for rules and a needed influence on the council.Above all, Munafo is reliable in how he acts, thinks and considers the decisions to be made.

We don’t always agree with those decisions, but we’ve never questioned the integrity with which they were made. In our experience, the same cannot be said of candidate Eric Schwaab, whose dedication to accuracy and fairness we seriously question.Candidate Michael Hersey, who was bested in the preliminary, penned a letter in support of Munafo in which he said Schwaab broke each agreement the two reached during the campaign. That’s similar to our experience with him, as well, and of others with whom we’ve spoken.We give Schwaab credit for engaging his supporters and critics on his Web site. It provides a direct connection to a candidate, allowing everyone the same opportunity for observations and insights. That interaction is valuable and we recommend that voters take a look before going to the polls.Munafo has done the work and deserves the trust of voters."

Well said Barnstable Patriot.

Well said.


Anonymous said...

This was left on Eric Schwaab's blog and is being emailed around.

Hey Eric, after reading the Patriot’s endorsement of Munafo, it seems I’m not the only person you’ve lied to during this campaign.

Oh yeah…and your ideas suck…

1. Speaking of expensive, how expensive will it be for the town to hire its own repaving crew, as you suggest? Equipment, salaries, benefits etc. What are you going to do with repaving workers in the winter? Then, in two years when all the roads are repaved.. then what -pink slips. How about you register your car here and start paying your excise taxes to Barnstable. Maybe that would help to fund new roads too.

2. Who every gave you the impression COMM water will let you tap their lines? Even if they did, wouldn’t you still need to run the water through the so called poison pipes?

3. I don’t know why JJ hasn’t ripped you a new a-hole yet. You have clearly abandoned the split tax question and are on record as saying you would not vote a split rate of 1.5 but rather a neutered rate of 1.25. (GHACC Candidate night)

Speaking of questionable motives what makes a guy from Boston, with a car he bought in Boston, and a dog he bought in Maine, change his voter registration to Hyannis, quit work and campaign full time for a $7,000 per year job? hmmmmm

Finally, You are not one of “US” as you love to proclaim. You were not raised here, go to school here, no kids in school here, parents not retired here, don’t pay your share of taxes here (donation to a 501 c(3) is a dollar for dollar write-off and you know it). WE do not want to be part of your “experiment”. You had your chance to try to “fix” things when you where appointed to the water board… remind me how that ended up!

I support Jim Munafo because he is a man of his word, whether I like what he is saying, or not. You’re a liar and manipulator, who is trying to scare people into voting for you.

Chew on that!

M. Hersey

Fri Oct 26, 05:12:00 PM

Anonymous said...

There is a growing grass-roots movement to vote NO on question three, the charter question.

BUT we also found out that you can vote for members of the charter commission even when you vote no.

We are spreading the word to bullet vote. Most of us are going to bullet either Sue Rohrbach or Roy Richardson.

There are many of us that believe we need a charter commission, but not now because of the damage these people have done to our town.

Help us spread the word so that we don’t end up with any of these awful Lopez or Schwaab followers on a charter commission that will try to destroy our town!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lopez just posted his endorsements. Consider it a handy list of people NOT to vote for.