Friday, May 4, 2007

Barnstable Airport: Is it Time For A Change?

There has been an on-going debate over the past decade and a half about the relationship between the Barnstable Airport and our citizens. (And the citizens of adjoining towns). There has also has been an on-going debate about the relationship between our town management and Town Council and the Airport Commission and Airport Staff.

Presently, the Town Council appoints an Airport Commission which has the responsibility of oversight and the setting of policy at the Airport. The Airport Commission appoints an Airport Manager who runs the Airport on a day to day basis. The Airport has been controversial over the years in the kind of way that many airports are controversial. Some people don't like the noise associated with an airport. The Airport also been historically plagued with bad management decisions and controversial staff.

This is not a bash the Airport piece. In their usual fashion, the hate-bloggers always discuss this issue by offering personal attacks and racist commentary, instead of offering an objective review of the situation with a goal of improving the situation.

But it is appropriate to ask several questions about the operations and the future of the Airport as follows:

1. Is the Airport a plus for our community and have they been receptive and sensitive to community concerns?

2. Is the Airport run well?

3. Should the Airport operations be separate from the day to day operations of the Town under the authority of the Town Manager?

4. Is the Airport openly and effectively dealing with the concerns of our neighbors in Yarmouth?

5. While most would agree that a face lift is needed at the Airport, should we support a multi-million dollar expansion of this facility?

6. Has the Airport Commission responsibly dealt with major policy issues in a timely way?

7. Should the future of Airport operations be part of the overall Charter discussion in Barnstable?

The Barnstable Airport. Is it Time For A Change?

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Long past

Anonymous said...

A few years ago the Airport Commission was largely revamped in the wake of a controversial situation involving the airport manager at the time. Many people felt the Commission then was poor at communication. It seemed secretive and defensive. Now the same conditions may be present again. It is time for the airport to be brought under the aegis of the Town Manager. A charter review would be the ideal tool to address this change. It would allow the Manager to more closely control practices at the facility which could endanger Hyannis wells. As for relations with Yarmouth, they have been handled poorly in general. That town's decision to look into a lawyer to pursue airport issues would indicate they perceive a problem.

Anonymous said...

There is no reason to have a seperate Airport. There would be more acoountability if it was part of the town management operations.

Anonymous said...

An airport is what it is. There are a few people who are complaining after they moved near an airport and are now complaining about the noise. Having said that, I think the aiport should be under the control of the town council.

Anonymous said...

Consolidate operations!

Anonymous said...

I also think it is time to change how the Airport does business. The current Airport Commission has not done a very good job in dealing with the issues of renovations, noise & pollution.

It seems the Commission is far more concerned with making the Nantucket airlines happy than dealing with local problems. While airport expansion has major effects throughout the Hyannis/W Yarmouth area, they appear determined to build their empire at all costs, and have not made any significant attempts to build broadbased support for these far-reaching changes.

I would support a charter change that allows the Manager to oversee the Commission. This is especially timely with the Commission seeking to bind the town to a multi-million dollar renovation...enterprise fund or not.

Anonymous said...


It would help if someone outlined what the problems are. Changing who the airport manager answers to will not lessen the noise. So what are we trying to solve? I don't really understand this issue.

Anonymous said...

BarnstableBlogger, What about a change allowing the Airport Commission to focus solely on policy issues and not on staff and management? That could be relegated to the town management who should be better equipped to deal with hiring/firing/discipline/accountability, etc. The other town committees don't hire and fire the staff that serves them, do they? Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Nice article, Barnstable Blog. You ask the question is it a time for a change at the Barnstable Municipal Airport? Yes is the correct answer, but this must also include an attitude of change with the Town Manager and Town Council especially when it comes to the Town of Yarmouth. You ask, is the Airport openly and effectively dealing with the concerns of our neighbors in Yarmouth? No is the answer. Noise is one of the biggest problems we have here. Most people have stopped calling the airport noise abatement officer because nothing is being done. They do let the Selectmen know. Cape Air in Dan Wolf, Island Air with the Cape Cod Times Charter flights, and Island Shuttle clearly show that have no respect for the Community of Yarmouth with their 5am flights. One would say if you live near the airport you should deal with the noise. Not Really. In 1999 the Visual Flight Paths (VFP) were changed, amending the Approaches of 1957. The Airport Commission Chairwoman at the time told one of the Airport Consultants to notify the FAA to change the VFP, a noise study was to be done. A few days later this same Chairwoman made a motion at the Commission Meeting to disband the sub-committee, which passed quickly thus the VFP were made permanent and came to the many neighborhoods here in Yarmouth. Now I ask you these questions. Who authorized the Chairwoman to tell the Consultant to tell the FAA to change the VFP? There is no record the Airport Commission voted on this. There is a law in this state, Chapter 90, where the Town council is supposed to hold hearings, notify property owners ect. None of this was done, and you wonder why the Yarmouth Board of Selectmen have been having formal meetings with a well known Aviation Attorney and now will be following one of his recommendations to be announced in the future. So you ask, is it time for a change. You will get a big yes if you ask the thousands of Yarmouth residents, and now Barnstable residents who are fed up with the non responding, double talking, buck-passing people who are on the Commission and work at the airport.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Yarmouth Taxpayer, first of all, welcome to the BarnstableBlog. Your thoughtful post is welcome. I would only ask that you hold the personal attacks and stay on message.

You may be so far into this issue, that you are not aware that it is unclear what you are asking for. (I don't, in anyway, want you to think that was a criticism, but a compliment that you know what's going on).

According to your post, noise is the problem. You must admit that it is a problem at any airport. So the real question is, what do we do about it?

What some "lady" said to you years ago doesn't get us to a solution.

The Town of Yarmouth asked for representation on the Airport Commission. I thought that was a most reasonable request. The Town Council at the time said no.

But that, too, was several years ago. Is that still a desire of Yarmouth? A local Yarmouth official was quoted recently saying they don't want a member anymore.

There also, as you can read on this Blog, is a real effort to get a Charter Commission in Barnstable, which the BarnstableBlog supports. This could be a unique opportunity to study ther relationship between Town Hall and the Airport.

There are many in Barnstable and Yarmouth who want a fair and reasonable resolution to this issue. Don't paint all Barnstable residents and officials with the same brush. The BarnstableBlog thinks that the recent hostile approach taken by Yarmouth is self-defeating. It won't get you where you want to go.

Has there been any efforts to reach out to the new Council leadership over the past year? If so, it has not been reported.

Yarmouth Taxpayer, it would be helpful for us to have you state your goals so we can further discuss this. Good luck, and we are not your enemy.

Anonymous said...

BB, Yarmouth seems very frustrated. If you can engage him in a real discussion, maybe we can solve this soon.

Anonymous said...

BB, if Yarmouth is asking for something reasonable, then they deserve it. If they are asking to close the airport, it is not going to happen. I will wait to see how the Taxpayer responds.


Anonymous said...

The problem is a lack of oversight and accountability from the Airport commission.

Anonymous said...


Why shouldn't that airport be closed and moved to Otis. There is more space and more jobs, jobs, jobs would be created. Why are you so hidebound? Do you work there or have an investment interest? If it were at Otis, it could be a regional airport that would benefit all of Cape Cod. Start think for the whole and not your own interest please.