Monday, May 7, 2007

So You Want To Close the Airport?

I wrote recently about the relationship between Barnstable and Yarmouth regarding the Airport. Several years ago, Yarmouth suggested that they should have a seat and a vote at the table at the Airport Commission. They were right. Yarmouth deserves a vote on the Airport Commission. But the Town Council saw it differently and voted against the proposal. That was unfortunate.

But after the vote, Yarmouth seemingly changed its collective mind and have not asked for reconsideration. Instead, they supposedly are discussing the matter with an Attorney to review their legal options. Legal options for what?

To the average Barnstable resident, the Yarmouth position is confusing and unclear. How can objective Barnstable residents decide if they support the Yarmouth position if they can't figure out what it is?

Do they still want membership on the Airport Commission?

Do they want to close the Airport, as was suggested by one who visited recently?

Or are they demanding greater rules and regulations to lessen the impact of the Airport on Yarmouth residents?

I don't know what their position is. Do you?


Anonymous said...

Morning BB, It appears Yarmouth is upset at issues such as noise. I don't get what they want either. I think a few might want to close the airport, but I can't beleive that the majority of residents either want that or care either way. My friends in Yarmouth say it is not even an issue for them.

Anonymous said...

It obviously is an issue to some. The Airport could be more responsive, but to talk about closing it is foolish.


Anonymous said...

The racist attacks on the Airport Manager are sickening. Yarmouth residents should distance themselves from those who are launching these assaults on the other blogs. It really is making Cape Cod look terrible.

Anonymous said...

Don't blame Yarmouth for CapeKog.

Anonymous said...

If you knew all the issues related to Mr. Mosby, you wouldn't question the reason people are eager to see him gone. Perhaps you don't read the papers and don't attend any airport commission meetings. It's not a racist issue, it's character and qualifications for the job. I guess you could question the people who hired him in the first place. They, like folks at MIT, didn't check him out.

Anonymous said...

The former post does not comment on whether the Airport Manager should be let go, but comments on the racist commentary of one of the other blogs. You can be of the mind that a person is not doing a great job without offering racist commentary. That type of comment would never meet the minimum standards of the written press. To compare him to O.J. Simpson is simply ourtageous and racist.

Anonymous said...

The hermit from Centerville is so old that racism was probably acceptable in his lifetime.

Anonymous said...

He hasn't won a race or a cause since he registered to vote 1000 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Lopez' blog is the same old record. Land Bank purchases, airport, bash the town, blah, blah, blah.

Never any substance. Never any accuracy.

Anonymous said...

I would assume that Yarmouth is still seeking representation on the Commission, and should be granted it. If our town leaders want to tout BMA as a regional airport, worthy of ten$ of million$ in improvements, then we should allow regional representation on the governing body.

I also think that the Yarmouth folks want to have some restrictions placed on usage, much as many Barnstable folks do. The last time the curfew issue came up, it was basically thrown out by the Commissioners. The airport commission has to learn that their concerns (to make money) aren't the only ones of import. The 5 AM flights to bring newspapers to the islanders are not making many friends for the airport amongst the many people living in the flight paths.

Maybe Yarmouth would be more willing to work in a friendly manner if Barnstable didn't basically tell them to #@#$ off over airport issues.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Pyjama King ran in 2003 as well. However, the CCTimes was turned down for repeated interviews. I wonder why the King was not open to being interviewed?

Anonymous said...

2003 Election Results:
Precinct 2:
Tom Rugo:222 votes (49%)
Arthur Desrocher:104 votes (23%)
Carlos Barbosa: 101 votes (22%)
Pyjama King:24 (TWENTY FOUR) votes
Wow! What happened there? His support plummeted in just 2 years!
I wonder why?

Anonymous said...

The other blogs are what they are and give no indication that they are about to change. The more comments here, an obvious and needed improvement in the world of Barnstable blogging (thanks BB), taking pot shots at them only serve to further whatever spitting contest they think they're in. Stick to the issues, stick to the higher road and get on with the discussion.

Anonymous said...

I thank the Coddster for getting us back to the issue at hand. You have to give it to Coddah for continuing to be the voice of reason. The relatively minor changes suggested would seem to respond to the concerns raised. So why is the Airport not being more responsive? What say you Airport?