Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Eric Schwaab Already in Trouble

Eric Schwaab really knows how to start off with a bang. He hasn't been a candidate for office (or a voter, for that matter) for a day and Hate Blogger Eric Schwaab of Hyannis (or Brighton, depending who you ask) is already being questioned by the local press regarding his candidacy to the Charter Commission.

The local Barnstable Patriot wrote, "Before Schwaab could take out nomination papers, he had to change his voter registration from his Boston address to Barnstable, which he did Monday.

In an e-mail exchange with the Patriot in March, Schwaab said that he was considering a town council run for Precinct 3. Asked then about his residency, he pointed to his tax assessment. Beginning in Fiscal Year 2006, Schwaab the residential exemption for his Barnstable property. That carried forward for FY’07 and represented a savings of $665 in town taxes for that year.

At the same time, Schwaab was still voting in Boston according to the Barnstable Town Clerk’s office, which has access to voting histories. Town assessing director Jeff Rudziak confirmed that Schwaab received the exemption for both 2006 and 2007, but said that Schwaab did not make a request for the exemption. He said that the tax bill mailing address is the same as the property, which was among the screening criteria for determining residency in the initial year of the exemption. A request to Schwaab for clarification on residency was not answered at this writing."

So, it appears we have a candidate who did not make himself available to the local press to answer questions. There also appears to be major questions about whether he was in fact, a resident, when he said he was. Did candidate Schwaab pay his fair share of local taxes? Or did he shirk his responsibilities to this community? Was he truthful about his residential status? Why is he now attacking the local newspaper?

Public figure Eric Schwaab needs to start telling the truth and fast, if he wants the citizens of Barnstable to consider his candidacy seriously.

And isn't this the resident (non-resident) who has relentlessly questioned the honesty and integrity of many local officials and town employees over the past two years? We will find out just how honest this candidate is during this campaign.

You want some advice Eric Schwaab? Start telling the truth!

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

This guy has to have an ego the size of Texas if he thinks he deserves to be elected after being a voter for all of one day.


Anonymous said...

He is now reporting on his site that he will pay the taxes owed.

Give me a break, all that blogging about the residential exemption and Arf, Arf missed the fact that he was not a resident?

The little dog is either dumb or dishonest.

Either way we do not need him in Barnstable.

Anonymous said...

How about dumb and dishonest?

Anonymous said...

It seems that both of the hate bloggers have started their campaigns with the same smear-all-those-who-have-the-audacity-to-disagree tactics. They cast insults and insinuations at everyone in sight, then proclaim shock when they get questioned about their actions.

With KingKOG and Muffy in the race, people will have to step lightly, or they will slip in the trail of slime these guys leave behind.

Anonymous said...

BB, It is amazing that these guys can dish it out for two years, but cry like a baby when the Patriot asks a few innocent questions. So it looks like this guy Schwaab(aka Bugsy, Muffy, BostonBugsy, etc) has been a voter for all of two days AND, admittedly, is a tax deadbeat. Isn't that a crime?


Anonymous said...

It certainly is.

Anonymous said...

Schwaab was on one of the first committees working on the newly purchased water company. He quit shortly thereafter based on some trumped-up nonsense. He has found it more congenial whining from the sidelines. Now he's making a great show of considering a run for Council. He needs to hook up with some backers who haven't yet experienced his opportunistic and completely cynical flair for self-promotion. It took some real gall for him to haul his carcass into Town Hall. Imagine walking into a building and knowing everyone there despises you. And he owes an apology to pugs all over the world.

Anonymous said...

bugsy knew he was double dipping by receiving the residential exemption in Boston and Barnstable. In response to a query with regard to his residency from David Still he referred David to his tax bill which indicated he was receiving the residential exemption as proof of his residency in Barnstable. So he knew he was receiving the residential exemption from Barnstable and he has published more than once that he takes advantage of the exemption in Boston. Plus he voted in Boston. As he published yesterday which has been deleted since with no reference to it, (a regular tactic by unethical bloggers) he is a tax cheat. This is not an error or as kog suggests or an oversight. It has nothing to do with our form of government and everthing to do with someone who was being deceitful to the taxpayers he wishes to represent.

So bugsy went a clamming hmmm... now was that a resident or non-resident shellfish license?

Anonymous said...

Schwaab has to seek out people who don't know him to advance his cause. Now is the time to start mining his septic archives to retrieve the many hurtful and glib attacks he has launched at others. The good news is that he has made enemies on all sides of the political spectrum. You don't have to be for or against the split tax to loathe this jackass.

Anonymous said...

Schwaab will find out the hard way how people feel about his mean-spiritedness. He hasn't been here long enough to know that most residents LOVE this community and beleive that the way to impact life is to volunteer to make things better. Not just sit back and criticize the many honorable people that make this place great. I am in favor of the Charter and for changing the form of government, but I am dead against the mean-spirited attacks on it. If you attack my community in such a negative way, there is no chance in hell that I would ever consider voting for you.


Anonymous said...

BB- As a Hyannis resident, I would vote for Munafo, even though I disagree with his conservative politics before I would vote for Schwaab!

Anonymous said...

These guys have never cared about the truth. Lopez is ridiculous, because he lies, and knows he is doing it. Schwaab, on the other hand, is so new to the community, you don't knwo whether he realizes how crazy his words are.

Anonymous said...

Schwaab has no interest in whether his material is accurate or not. His sole interest is to create a controversy on which he can feed, sometimes on one side, then on another. If someone were to hand him a perfect program for solving town problems, he would wait a few minutes and then toss it in the garbage. It would put him out of business. Scwaab is about problems, not solutions. If anyone is naive enough to support him, do so with your eyes open. Do not expect loyalty. There are two kinds of people in his world: those who are fodder for attacks, and those who will be.