Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Eric W. Schwaab For President

That is what we will probably be reading in a few months. If we are to believe the rumors, Eric W. Schwaab (W for Who) is now contemplating a run for Town Council. It won't be long before the largest Ego this side of Brighton will be announcing for State Senator. Then Governor. And before you know it, President.

You have to hand it to this guy. He is a legend in his own mind.

Never mind that we couldn't find ten people in Barnstable that even knows who this guy is. So we are to believe that Eric W. Schwaab is going to get the thousands of votes necessary to win both the election for Charter Commission town-wide and now, the hundreds of votes necessary in his precinct for Town Council.

What a loser. Can you think of three larger losers than Gary Lopez, John Julius and Eric W. Schwaab.

The Moe, Larry and Curley of Barnstable politics!


Anonymous said...

BB- I can't comment on this because I don't know who this guy is. Isn't he the guy who just moved to town? If so, what possesses him to think that he can run for office and win?


Anonymous said...

The tax cheat is going to run for town council?

He must really think that the citizens of Barnstable just fell off the turnip truck!

Anonymous said...

Eric Schwaab is a venomous creep who has the charm and ethics of a gila monster. It will be a pleasure to administer the electoral beating he so richly deserves. Apparently he, Julius, and Lopez want to assemble a grouping of like-minded candidates to consult with each other. This is good news for the candidates who would like serious change but couldn't get enough distance from J, L, S and their merry band of ham-fisted political incompetents. It remains to be seen whether J or S can challenge L for the title of most embarassingly low number of votes in a given race.

Anonymous said...

You had better start taking Schwaab seriously. Hersey had better start taking Schwaab seriously. That means posting on a frequent basis and working at it, not throwing a few snide remarks up as the mood suits you. A lot of people despise Munafo. They don't know what a phony Schwaab is and he offers them a change. Pull out the stops for Hersey or Eric Edleff Schwaab will be the next Councillor in 3.

Anonymous said...

BB- E.W.S. says he walked over 5 miles collecting signatures... one circut around 1/2 the precinct is barely 2 miles... And that he drove another 10 miles collecting signatures! I'd like to know what Precinct he was actually canvasing?

Anonymous said...

Start reading Schwaab's blog. He's temporarily dropped the glib sarcasm and is projecting a image of engaged concern. If he cons enough voters in 3, he'll keep going into the final. He is part of a group of candidates who have excellent computer skills and who may run a sophisticated technical campaign. You may not see many traditional signs of activity until the votes come in. Schwaab should be held to account for the many cheap shots he has taken. Don't let him pawn himself off as anything but the manipulator he is.