Thursday, July 12, 2007

Is Schwaab out of Touch?

You get to know someone by looking to see who they associate with. In the case of new voter Eric Schwaab, what does his best friends Gary Lopez and John Julius do for his image? He'll find out on Election Day!

And in this case, you kind of get to know someone by the candidates he endorses. Since no one knows anything about Eric Schwaab, let's take a look at who he endorsed during the last election on his Hate Blog. (even though he wasn't even a voter)

"Cape Cod Living Reader Endorsements "

Precinct 4: Ted Panitz.

Ted Who?

Precinct 6: Joe Pino vs Janet Joakim - TOSS UP

Now there's a courageous endorsement. Eric Schwaab is so out of touch, he called Janet Joakim, "Janice" Joakim.

Precinct 8: John Alden.

Alden got blown away by Harold Tobey, even with his great name recognition.

School Committee: Dagwan and Porteus.

Hey-- he got one right with Deb Dagwan. But he supported Rick Porteus.

Enough said.

What else do we know about Schwaab? He criticized the acquisition of the private Barnstable Water Company in Hyannis, after the fact, of course.

He believed that it was a bad deal and even supported a law suit against the Town, which cost Barnstable taxpayers thousands of dollars. Of course, the Town won the case when the Judge threw it out as a frivolous suit.

Schwaab's position is contrary to the position of every Town Councilor who represents parts of Hyannis including Councillors Tobey, Milne, Rugo and Brown and of the Hyannis Civic Association, Hyannis Chamber of Commerce and Main Street Business Improvement District. He quit his seat on a citizens group to oversee the new enterprise as soon as he was appointed. Too busy, I guess.

Of course, Eric Schwaab arrogantly thinks he knows better than anyone else including our elected representatives.

And just think. He only been a registered voter for 3 days!

Can you imagine how arrogant he will be when he's been a voter for a month?

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Schwaab's take on his tax cheating is that it is the town's fault.

Should we all cheat on our taxes till we get caught, then go on the attack and be incredulous that anyone would question our honor?

I have been honestly paying my taxes in this community for 35 years and I sure do not want Mr. Schwaab representing me!

Anonymous said...

Everything seems to be the town's fault according to this guy. We are supposed to beleive that he wrote about the residential exemption for a year on his blog, then didn't realize what he was doing when the tax bill came? It appears that he got caught trying to be cute playing both communities off each other claiming residency in both. He got caught by the Barnstable Patriot and now he is attacking the newspaper. What a cry baby! Hey Schwaab, if you do the crime, do the time.


Anonymous said...

His candidacy is disturbing considering his actions.

Anonymous said...

If those endorsements are acurate, Schwaab is a moonbat!